Chapter 1

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Ines's POV

I never believed in love and never will. My whole childhood I've never seen my parents happy together. I always thought romantic movies or happy endings were stupid. My Parents always fought but now they're divorced and that's a good thing trust me. I've never really had a love life, just some one night stands and having fun but never actually catching genuine feelings. Honestly men are scared of me, I've been told before. Once a guy told me that my energy was powerful and intimidating to men, he said I had dark feminine energy. He said I could walk on any men and I wasn't what a guy would normally go for. Im not a wifey material girl and I don't intend on having children even if I love them.

I wake to my phone buzzing on my night stand. I really didn't want to answer but it was my dad. So I picked up the phone.

"Yes?" I asked with a sleepy voice.

"Ines? Did you just wake up, I told you today is your little brothers birthday. You have thirty minutes to be at my house, everyone is gonna be there." My dad said angrily.

"Putain, my alarm must have not rang. Je suis désolé papa." I said getting out of bed.

"Just be there in thirty minutes." He said hanging up.

I need to look presentable so I threw on a long black tank top, 501 levis and docs. I let my hair loose and put a little bit of makeup on. I was ready so I got in my car and drove off.

Being at my dads house with my whole family when I just woke up wasn't ideal but whatever. I was here for my favorite person in the world, my little brother Thomas. He turned 13 today. He was officially a teenager but he was still my little baby.

"You're not little tommy anymore you're getting old." I told my brother while pinching his cheeks.

"Dude stop there's about 10 old ladies that have done this to me today gimme a break." Thomas said laughing.

"Dude I'm avoiding dad cause he's gonna kill me for being late, I don't even wanna know my punishment." I said.

"Can't be worse than when he sent you to boarding school when you were 15." He said laughing.

"Dark times." I said while giggling.

"What are you guys doing here! Everyone is waiting at the table, dinner is served!" My dad said dragging us at the table.

After everyone left I helped my dad with the dishes and then he started giving me a lecture.

"You know Ines I find you irresponsible and lazy. You do nothing with your days except working."

"Dad what do you want me to do with my life except from work."

"I don't know go out, socialize, do physical activities." He said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Maybe you could come to the psg practices and the games. That would give you something to do." He said.

"Really?! Dad you've got to be kidding me." I said frustrated.

"You know what that's a great idea, tomorrow you're coming to the practice at 10, end of discussion." He said.

"Ugh!" I said grabbing my keys and leaving.
I woke up at 9 because if I wasn't at the practice my dad was going to kill me.
I didn't even know the players, only the ones I knew about were the ones my dad wouldn't stop talking about. I only knew Messi, Mbappe and Neymar.

I put on a PSG shirt that was sitting in the bottom of my closet and made myself look presentable and left.

While walking to the field, I saw from a distance a bunch of guys fooling around and jumping on each other.
But the crowd went silent when I was noticed.

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