Chapter 4

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Kylian's POV

I took Ines's hand and pulled her aside from everyone and we went to the bathroom. We locked the door, I took her and sat her down on the sink. She pulled me in closer, our faces were maybe an inch from each other, she was biting her lip. I pulled her in and we started making out. I kissed her neck while she moaned. My hands ran down her body and I pulled down her panties but then she stopped me.

"Not so fast." She said smirking.

"Oh god please don't do this to me, you're killing meee." I said running my hands down my face while she giggled.

She got off the counter and pulled her black lacey Victoria secret panties up. Then she looked down at my pants and started laughing.

"Jesus Kylian!" She said still laughing.

"What!?" I replied looking at my hard dick.

"Can you blame me?!" I said.

"No but at least I know it's big." She said laughing and leaving.

Ines's POV

Walking out of the bathroom felt empowering. I turned down Kylian Mbappé, that felt good for some reason. Knowing he couldn't have me this easy felt good. I returned to the table where Ali was talking to other guys.

"Hey girl where were you?" She asked me.

"I was in the bathroom." I replied.

"That was long." She said smirking.

She could see I had a grin on my face.

"I need drinks." I said grabbing a vodka bottle.

"Ok girl I see you." She said whilst I was talking shot after shot.

Listen I wanted to have fun so I was having fun. I wanted to get fucked up. So I did. After a couple minutes the room started spinning but I went dancing anyways.

"Where were you?" Neymar said as I turn around to face him.

"Bathroom." I responded.

"Funny cause Kylian was also missing, but now he's back and so are you." He said with a little jealous in his voice.

"Funny." I said smirking.

"I'm hungry, are you?" He asked.

"Kinda actually." I replied.

"Wanna go get McDonald's?" He asked.

"I didn't think footballers ate that stuff." I said laughing.

"Shhhh don't tell your dad." He said smiling. Fuck his smile was so attractive.

"Don't worry I won't." I said giggling.

"Ok let's go." I said grabbing his hand.

I texted Ali I was leaving just to let her know. As Neymar and I were leaving the club, paparazzi surrounded us. For one second I forgot he was famous. They started asking a ton of questions about me and taking millions of pictures. I could barely see but we eventually git through and hopped in his car.

The car ride was mostly quiet. But Neymar kept looking at me and smiling while I was singing to the music on the radio. We got to McDonald's pretty quickly but we didn't go in, we went through the drive threw. Luckily the cashier didn't know Neymar. While he was ordering, I just admired his features his long black curly hair, chiseled beard, green eyes with long eyelashes, tan skin and his perfect white smile. Oh and his tattoos OH MY GOD and his veiny hands. Anyway when we got our food we started talking.

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