chapter 20 (self harm)

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Mel POV; everything is white I can hear machines but I can't open my eyes.

I feel someone sit on the bed and grab my hand I try to squeeze it.

"Mel it's been two months since you have been in a coma I'm doing okay I guess Asher and Alex have been fighting so I have been staying at dad house Asher yelled at me today when I asked if he was coming to the hospital today I even learned how to pump your milk so your bewbie don't hurt" Blake says.

I have to wake up so I can take care of my baby and also kick Asher ass.

"Dad takes me to work with him when I'm little it's nice I'm scared to go back to our house because Asher has been really mean so I haven't had milk in a couple of days" Blake says

I feel something wet hit my hand

"I really need you Mel I have tried to stay strong but I need you" Blake says.

She is starting to have a panic attack

Oh my poor baby I need to wake up

I hear a nurse walk in she has been helping Blake take care of me.

"Blake hey it's okay just breathe if you can't calm down then we will have to put you to sleep" the nurse says.

That's when I start to feel like I'm choking I open my eyes and see Blake I reach for her.

Some other nurser run and they start to unhooking me from all the machines.

They asked me a shit ton of questions to make sure I still had my memory.

"Do you have any questions" the nurse asks.

"When can I start breastfeeding again" I asks.

"Well me and Blake have been bumping for you and also testing it and you can start now" she says.

Mom and dad walk in with Asher and Alex behind them.

"I know how I have been treating her was kinda shit and I'm sorry" Asher says.

We talk for awhile then Blake wakes up mom brought me some clothes also some soap so I can wash my stink ass.

When I got in the shower I checked myself out the mirror i look the same lost about 2 pounds Also I need a good wax.

I walk back into the room to Blake trying to put a daiper on everyone must have went to get lunch.

"No need to do it yourself mama is here to do it now" I say putting her daiper on right.

"Mama I missed you so much" Blake says pulling my shirt down.

"Mama missed you too" I say sitting back down and pulling my shirt up letting her latch on.

We ended up falling asleep I woke up to mom moving Blake next to me.

"Sorry she wasn't latch on anymore" mom says covering me up with another blanket.

"I'm ready to be home in my bed not hooked up to machines" I say fixing my shirt.

"I know the doctor said a couple of more days then you will be home " mom says.

"Hello just dropping clothes off for Blake " her dad says coming in with a hickey on his neck.

"Thx You got something on your neck" I say.

"I plan on telling her sometime this week we have dinner planned on Friday " he says.

"I will remind her" I say.

Then he leaves

Wonder who his girlfriend says

"I thought the paparazzi were lying about his mystery partner" mom says.


"That wasn't a long nap was it" I say pulling her up so she is sitting up.

"Alright Blake we have to get going" mom. Says getting up.

"I wanna stay" Blake says.

"She can stay if she wants to" I say.

"Okay I will be back tomorrow" mom says leaving.

"Mama I missed you so much" Blake says.

"Mama missed you too" I say kissing her head.

"Hurt" Blake says putting her fingers in her mouth.

"What hurts baby" I asks.

She points to her ankles I push her pants leg up to see she cut herself.

"I sorry" Blake says putting her hands over her face.

"Oh Blake it's okay mama is here now but next time you feel like this tell me" I say holding her close.

We get comfortable and watch TV on Blake computer she put on some show called jujutsu kaisen.

Ans that's how are night went stay up all night  eating snacks.

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