chapter 14

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Mel POV; I decided to take a weekend vacation to the beach I am packing Blake little bag just in case she slips while we are there.

Blake crawls into her nursery I left her in our room to pack her bag she must slipped.

"Hi my sweet girl" I say picking her up she lays her head on my shoulder.

"Aww is my little Bear sleepy" I say swaying side to side.

" Mama milk" she says is a very sleepy voice.

"Alright let's go get some cuddles in before we get on the road". I say walking into my room.

I lay in bed and pull my shirt up I don't have a bra on today didn't feel like putting one on.

Blake latches on and plays with my hair as she nurse.

My parents and brother also asher are going on the trip.

We are taking two cars my parents are taking there car and we are taking my jeep asher and my brother are riding in my car.

Blake falls asleep I trade my nipple for her pacifier then finish packing.

Now we are loading up the car Blake is asleep in her car seat in the car.

It's two hour drive to the beach

We all get in the car text my mom.

" Mel you trying to freeze us to death" Alex says turning down the air conditioner.

"Sorry Blake sweats a lot in her sleep" I say looking back making sure she is still asleep.

Two hour into the drive Blake wakes up .

"Mama" Blake says

"Yes what do you need" I say turning into a gas station knowing she needs a diaper change probably hungry.

"I hungry" she says.

"Me too little one" Asher says mess up her hair.

"Leave her alone" Alex says

"You want to trade before we leave here" Alex asks me.

"Yeah I will sit in the back with Blake" I say getting out the car.

I go to the side Asher is on and open the door get Blake unbuckled from her car seat lay her down on the seats change her diaper.

"You want to go get something to eat" I ask while putting her shorts and shoes back on.

"Chick fill a" she says pointing to one right down the road from the gas station.

"Okay we will go eat there" I say.

Alex and Asher come back and pump gas and I tell them where we are going to eat at.

We eat at chick fill a and get back on the road.

Me and Blake are watching Scooby Doo on her tablet.

"Mama milk" Blake asks with the cutest face.

"I can pump a bottle how does that sound" I ask.

"Otay" she says going back to her tablet.

I grab my pump and my nurse cover and get it attached to my Breast.

I pump two full bottles Blake drank half of the one gave her then she knocked out.

We finally get to our parents house they have at the beach our parents are already here.

I grab Blake car seat and her daiper bag and my purse and pump.

I walk in the house and see my mother and father fucking on the couch.

"Oh my god Mel" she says grabbing a blanket.

I walk back outside good thing Blake was asleep.

"Mom and dad were fucking on the couch" I say to Asher and Alex.

The two idiots start laughing there ass off waking up Blake she was not a happy camper.

I walk back inside my parents are dressed and sitting on the couch.

"That child sure does have some lungs on her" my mom says over the crying.

I walk to my room get Blake out her car seat.

"Blake baby give mommy a break" I say laying down with her.

Alex bring in our bags for me

"Thank you" I say barley keeping my eyes open.

"No problem you get some rest" he say closing my door.

I close my eyes Blake is nurse.

I wake up to feeling someone kicking me it's Blake trying to get the covers off herself the fans off so she must be hot.

I get up out of bed turn it on and use the bathroom then walk out my room Asher and Alex are watching a movie with mom and dad.

"Sleep good" my dad ask

"Yeah before someone started to kick me in my side" I say sitting next to mom.

We watch two movies in the middle of the second one Blake comes crawl into the living room.

"How in the world did you get off the bed little girl" I say getting up picking her and walking back into my room to change her diaper.

After her screaming the house down we go back into the living room.

"You done throwing a hiss fit" my mom says as i sit down.

Blake give my mom a mean face

"Be nice or you can go to bed early tonight" I say.

"We need to start getting ready for dinner" mom says.

We decided to go out to eat it's not fancy it's a restaurant where you can eat outside with the view of the ocean.

We all go to our rooms to get ready Blake is laying on the bed Playing with her feet while I pick out our outfits.

We all go to our rooms to get ready Blake is laying on the bed Playing with her feet while I pick out our outfits

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Blake and Mel outfit

I get us both dressed and ready to go I grab Blake daiper bag and walk out my room with Blake in my arms.

We are walking there it's like a 15 minute walk but I know carrying Blake will destroy my arms so got her stroller out the car.

We are walking there it's like a 15 minute walk but I know carrying Blake will destroy my arms so got her stroller out the car

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"Awww y'all are both adorable" my mom says taking a picture of me Blake.

We leave the house and get to the place eat then we walk on the beach we put are feet in the water then we get back home and go to bed we have a fun day tomorrow.

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