Ch 3, Part 5

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Kaede's POV

I looked down at Gonta's body in pure shock. Why does this keep happening? Not to mention, there's still another body for us to check out..

Shuichi was standing there in pure horror, with Kokichi by his side.

"What the hell..? I didn't.. Why..? I didn't.. do this.." Shuichi said, still looking down at Gonta's body.

"I know, it's alright.." Kokichi whispered to Shuichi.

"Hey, Kokichi..? Did you guys.. see the other body yet..?" Rantaro spoke up.

"No, not yet.. Shuichi can barely get over this, so I don't know if he wants to go look.. But that's where everybody else is right now, because they were already here, so you can go find them if you want.." Kokichi said while trying to comfort Shuichi.

"Oh.. Okay.." Rantaro said back. I could tell he was shocked too. Who would do something like this to Gonta? He was one of the nicest people here..

Rantaro gestured for me to follow him so we could look at the other body, and I did. We made our way down to the game room, and once again, I wasn't prepared for what I was about to see..

Kiibo was lying on the floor, with his arms, legs, and head detached from the rest of his body.

Everybody else was just as disturbed as I stood there in shock.

Who the hell would kill two people? Especially two of the nicest ones in the group..

Miu didn't know how to react. She was just silent, tears pouring down her face as she looked down at Kiibo's body.

"Ah, what a tragedy, right? Two bodies! This is gonna be good! Puhuhuhu~!" Monokuma exclaimed as he appeared before us.

"Shut the hell up, Monokuma. People are fucking dead, it isn't funny." Maki gave Monokuma a death glare.

"'People?' It's really more like one person and one big piece of metal, right~?" Monokuma said.

Miu was angered by this. She walked over to the bear and slapped him across the face.

"Oww! What was that for?! You know violence against the headmaster is strictly prohibited-"

"I don't give a damn! Kiibo was NOT a big piece of fucking metal! He was one of us, too! Just because he didn't look or function like we do doesn't mean he wasn't a person! He was my best friend, goddamn it!" Miu yelled at Monokuma.

"Ooh, you wanna be punished, don't you? If you keep disrespecting your headmaster, you certainly will be~!" Monokuma laughed again.

"I don't fucking care! Kill me! Do whatever you want! I don't-"

"Miu, calm down. You're only going to get him more riled up." Kiyo quietly told Miu. Miu slowly stepped away from Monokuma.

"That's what I thought. Now, will you allow me to give the Monokuma files to you all?" Monokuma said, not waiting for an answer as he handed two to everybody.

"Why are we getting two?" Angie asked.

"Because there's been two deaths, duh!" Monokuma answered.

"Can't you just, like.. put them both on the same one?" Rantaro asked. Monokuma looked up at him.

"Ohh.. Yeah, maybe I could've done that, but oh well! Too late now! Just take them!" Monokuma shoved two Monokuma files into his hands, then passing some to me.

"Ah, she won't need those, we'll look off the same ones." Rantaro calmly told Monokuma as he looked at me. I felt myself getting flustered again.

"..Fine. You guys are so lovey-dovey with each other, jeez!" Monokuma took back the Monokuma files he gave me.

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