Ch 1, Part 4

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I was about to leave the library when Kokichi, Shuichi, and Himiko walked in the room. I get Kokichi and Shuichi, but why is Himiko with them? Seems like an odd group.

Himiko seemed to be the first to notice me.

"Nyeh, hey, Kaede. Glad you're here, these two are still being gross and Kokichi forced me to come along with them.."


"Kokichi, she said she didn't wanna come with us. You should respect her decision.. Plus, I thought you said you wanted to be alone with me..?" Shuichi asked Kokichi awkwardly. Kokichi quickly dried up his fake tears.

"Well, that was a lie! Or maybe not! Who knows!" Kokichi said cheerfully, and Shuichi sighed.

"Kokichi, Shuichi.. When did you two become so close anyways?" I asked them curiously.

"Wellll, to put it simply, me and Shumai are pretending to date to make this game entertaining for the mastermind! I'm sure this killing game is being broadcasted, so why not give the audience a good ship to fawn over~?" Kokichi said seductively.

"Well, I think you guys are overdoing it, nyeh. Nobody likes a couple where the only thing they do is be so lovey-dovey with each other all the time." Himiko stated. She made a good point, they definitely just made everyone else confused in the dining hall earlier.

"Y-Yeah, Himiko's right, Kokichi. We have to make it believable, somebody's gonna catch on sooner or later." Shuichi said.

"Aww, but it is believable, Shuichi! I may be a liar, but my love for you is no lie~!" Kokichi smirked at Shuichi and Shuichi just sighed.

"That's how you're gonna react? No red tomato blush or anything?! WAAAAAAAA!! YOU'RE ALL SO MEAN TO ME!!" Kokichi started with the fake tears again. He really does get annoying sometimes..

All of a sudden, Tsumugi came running into the library. Why is this suddenly everyone's hangout spot? 

Tsumugi looked shocked to find us in here, for some reason. Like she wasn't expecting anybody to be in here or something like that.

"Oh, uh, hey guys!" Tsumugi said to us. Kokichi stopped fake-crying and looked back at her, sort of disgusted. Does he have something against her? Tsumugi has been really nice, so I wonder if something happened between them after I died last time. Hm.. Strange.

"Hey, Tsumugi. What are you doing here?" Shuichi politely asked the blue-haired girl.

"Oh, just looking for something to read, I'm a little bored." Tsumugi said. She gave an awkward smile before going to look for a book.

"..Are you looking for anything in particular..? I've scanned this library a few times, I could probably help." Shuichi offered.

"Ah, no, I don't need any help, I'm not really looking for anything specific. Thanks for the offer, though." Tsumugi politely said back. Though, for a moment, I could've sworn she shot a mean glare at Kokichi. Neither of them were saying anything to each other, so I just assumed it was nothing.

"Come on, guys, let's go somewhere else." Kokichi said, clearly frustrated about something. He forcefully dragged Shuichi and Himiko out of the library with him, leaving only me and Tsumugi.

I decided to talk to her, I have nothing better to do for now anyways.

"Hey, Tsumugi.." I started the conversation.

"Oh, hello Kaede! No offense, but I sort of forgot you were here." Ouch.

"No offense taken!" I said, laughing a bit. Still hurt my ego, though. She smiled back, then suddenly frowned and sighed. She seemed down about something.

"..Tsumugi? Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Oh, uh.. Nothing's wrong, don't worry about plain ol' me." She gave an awkward laugh. Sounds like something Rantaro would say.

"..You know, you can tell me what's wrong, Tsumugi, I won't judge." I told her.

"I.. Okay, fine.. It's just.. It's Rantaro.." She said. What does Tsumugi have going on with Rantaro? He's not one to open up to people easily, so I wonder what she has to say about him..

"Hm? Rantaro? What about him?" I asked her.

"Well.. You've been hanging out with him a lot, haven't you?" Tsumugi asked me.

"Oh, I wouldn't say 'a lot,' but yes, we do talk a bit.. Why though?"

"..Well, this might sound kind of dumb, but.. I-I have a crush on him!"

I was shocked. She.. has a crush on Rantaro..? Why does this news hurt me a little? It's none of my business who likes Rantaro and who Rantaro likes.. So why does it hurt?

"Ah, u-um.. I see.." I said, an accidental disappointed tone in my voice. I stayed silent. I'm still not sure why I'm feeling sad.. I'm sure quite a few people like Rantaro, his looks, voice, and attitude make it hard not to..

"..Hm? A-Are you alright, Kaede?"

"Yeah, I'm fine.. Anyways, why are you telling me all this..?"

"Right, I, um.. I'm too nervous to tell him, so.. When you get a chance, could you tell him for me? I-If you don't mind of course! You don't have to if-"

"No, it's okay, I can do it for you. Don't worry about it!" I gave her a smile. Sort of a weak one, but a smile nonetheless.

"Thanks, Kaede! This means a lot to me, so thank you so much!" Tsumugi pulled me into a tight hug. I couldn't help but laugh a little at her antics and hug her back.

"Well, I'm gonna go now, I'll see you later, Tsumugi." I told her.

"Okay, bye Kaede!" She said to me as I walked out, then she immediately went back to looking for a book of some sort.

I walked through the hallways, not wanting to go anywhere in particular. Tons of weird thoughts were swirling through my mind. Why did I feel the way I did when Tsumugi brought up her crush on Rantaro? And..

Why do I feel jealous?


A/N: THE CRUSH IS STARTING YALL FEWYJGFYHWEGFR #stanamamatsuordeath /j so uh im a hopeless romantic so um um hope this isnt too bad *bites lip in a hot and savage way* ok im going to start writing the next chapter now so see yall

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