Ch 3, Part 2

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Kaede's POV

"..I know you know something we don't, Kaede."

I was shocked as Rantaro said this. I know he has had suspicions from the beginning, but..

"What? What do you mean?" I asked him nervously.

"You said you were in a killing game before this, right? So, I wanna know.. Is there anything about that game that could be important?"

"I don't.. I don't know what you mean, Rantaro.."

Rantaro sighed.

"The video we saw of you. That's what made me ask. That must be a real video then, right?"

"Yes, it's a real video, but I don't know how that got on there.."

"Mm. So, if that was not faked, then tell me, Kaede.. Did you really die?" Rantaro asked.

There was an eerie aura in the room. I was going to wait to tell him about the loop, but I guess it couldn't hurt, right..?

"I.. I did, yes. Then I must've gotten revived and woke up here and I don't even know how."

"Hm.. Okay, sorry for all the questions, but.. I saw Shuichi and the others in the video too. Do they know about this?"

"I.. It's complicated. Only me and one other person know about it. The rest.. forgot.."

"Huh.. So, that killing game was the last game that you were talking about, then?"

"Yep, it was.."

"Hm.. Okay, I think I have an understanding now. You and everyone else were in a previous killing game, and you died, but got revived somehow, and now only you and one other person remember, correct?"

"Yes, correct.."

"Okay, one more question and then I'm done.. You had an execution, so.. Did you kill someone?"

Ah, crap. This is the part I was dreading. If I tell him the truth and he hates me, there's no going back..

"I.. well.. yes, but.. I didn't mean to kill that person.. I had set up a trap to kill the mastermind so we could escape, but that person accidentally fell into it.."

"Ah, I see.. Who was it..?"

"I.. It was.."

It felt like my throat closed up. I didn't want to tell him, in fear that he'll leave me, but..

Maybe that weird dream I had was a sign. If I want to make it up to him, he deserves to know..

I took a deep breath.

"..It was you, Rantaro."

Rantaro's eyes widened at that.

"What? You're.. You're joking, right?"

"I'm not joking, Rantaro. The person I killed was you.."

Rantaro looked down, speechless. It was a minute before he spoke again.

"If you really did kill me, then.. How am I alive?"

"You must've gotten revived too, I think everyone did.. You got your memory wiped too.."

"I.. That would explain a lot, then.." Rantaro went silent again and there was another awkward silence.

"I'm.. I'm sorry, Rantaro." I said. I felt tears starting to roll down my face.


"I'm sorry for killing you, I really am. I never meant to, I just wanted to find the mastermind and I messed up.."

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