Ch 1, Part 6

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"Kaede, wake up!"


I slowly opened my eyes and groaned. Somebody was in front of me, but my eyes couldn't make out who it was just yet.

"H-Huh..? What happened..?" I asked.

"Oh, thank goodness you're awake. I was worried about you."

My vision cleared up a bit more and I saw that the person was Rantaro-


"O-Oh, Rantaro, hi! Uh, can you back up a bit-?" I nervously asked him, feeling my face turning red.

Rantaro realized how close he was and his face turned a little red too. 

"R-Right, sorry." Rantaro backed away and helped me up off the ground.

"So.. What happened?" I asked Rantaro.

"I'm not too sure, but I can only assume you got knocked out. After all, I found this lying next to you." He held up a baseball bat with a little bright pink blood on it. So that's why my head hurts so much..

"Hm, I see.."

"What were you doing down here, though? Trying to get into the library?"

"Y-Yeah, I was, but somebody knocked me out before I could get in there."

"Interesting.. Well, the library's locked now. I just tried to get in, but the door's locked."

"Really? It wasn't locked earlier."

"Hm. Strange.."

Rantaro tugged at the door some more, seeing if it was just jammed or hard to open, but nope. It most certainly was locked.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked Rantaro.

"..Well, I may have an idea. But before that, are you sure you're okay? I cleaned up the blood a little, but that looks like it hurts pretty bad."

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me, Rantaro."

"Alright, just making sure. Don't want you getting hurt." He gave me a quick smile, then continued. "Anyways, I remember Kokichi telling me that he's very good at lock-picking, so maybe he can come and help us."

"Ah, okay.. What time is it?" I asked. I need to know how long I've been out for.

"Almost 6 AM, why?" Oh, okay, only about an hour.

"I see.. But, if the morning announcement hasn't gone off yet, why are you down here?"

"I was trying to get into the library as well.."

"Oh, alright.. Well, Kokichi might be awake, then. He probably hasn't gotten any sleep yet, knowing him.."

"Alright, let's go then." Rantaro says, leading me back to everybody's rooms and knocking on Kokichi's door. The door opened by itself, seeing as it was unlocked again. Kokichi really needs to start locking his door.

We walked in and there was Kokichi, once again, writing on his whiteboard.

"Um, hey, Kokichi, we came here to ask you something.." I told Kokichi. He yawned before responding.

"Hmm? What is it?" He asked.

"Well, we wanted to know if you could lock-pick the library door, we were trying to get in the library and it was locked. It usually isn't at this time.." Rantaro told Kokichi.

"Ohhh, so you need my supreme leader expertise, huh? Welll, I guess I'll help you, I have nothing better to do anyways!"

Kokichi quickly grabbed a hair pin he had and we went out of his room.

We ran back down the stairs and kept moving until we made it to the library.

Kokichi unlocked the door with the hair pin and we successfully got in the library, but what we saw..

Was the exact opposite of what any of us wanted to see. 

Kokichi and Rantaro stood in disbelief. I was horrified.

What we were looking at..

Was the body of Himiko Yumeno.

Ding dong, bing bong

"A body has been discovered! Everyone, please gather in the library!"

Soon after, everyone showed up in the library, also shocked. The first person to say anything after that was Tenko.


Her screams turned into sobs. She laid over Himiko's lifeless body. I felt horrible.. Like this was my fault in some way..

Himiko didn't deserve this. She must've been helpless, the poor girl.. I couldn't help but get reminded of Rantaro again. He was totally helpless last time, there was nothing he could've done, and it was all my fault..

I shook off the guilt rising in me. I can't be thinking about this right now, Himiko's.. Gone.

I looked over at Rantaro. He had went to try and comfort Tenko, but she had pushed him away.

"G-Get off me, degenerate male!" She yelled at him, tears still flowing down her face. "T-To whoever did this.. Y-You're a terrible person and I hope you know that!" She yelled again.

Tenko ran out of the library, not wanting to be around anyone anymore. Himiko was obviously really special to her, and I don't blame her. If I were Tenko, I would've done the exact same.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!! WHY'D MY BESTIE HAVE TO DIE?!" Kokichi cried out. I wasn't able to tell if these were real or fake tears. Knowing him, it's most likely fake..

Everyone was mourning over Himiko's death for a good few minutes. I just stood there, still in disbelief. Who could've done something like this to her..?

I felt a tear roll down my face. This is.. A horrible situation we all just happened to get caught up in. And for all we know.. There's no way to escape this hell. I can't do this anymore.. Last time was bad enough, and having to go through this all over again.. Is truly messed up. Whoever is behind this.. Is a sick person.

Why..? Why is this happening? I just.. Want a damn answer already..

Another tear rolled down my face. I'm so weak..

Monokuma appeared a few moments later. I know what's going to happen now.. He's going to ask us to raise our hand if we did the crime, and if the person who did it raised their hand, they would get to leave this place alone. I really don't want anyone to raise their hand, but some part of me.. Some part of me does. Just so.. We wouldn't have to go through another class trial right now.

"Hellooo students! Looks like somebody's magic didn't do her so well!"

"P-Please don't joke about that.." Shuichi said softly.

"Hmm? I'm the headmaster! I can do whatever I so please around here!" Monokuma said, doing his signature laugh after. "Anyways, can somebody get Tenko back in here? She needs to hear the instructions as well!"

"I'll go get her." Angie said as she walked out of the library.

A few minutes later, she returned with Tenko, now sniffling and trying to dry up her tears.

"Good, now that everyone's here.. Due to the First Blood Perk motive, the blackened has a chance to leave this academy scot-free! No class trial or anything! So, if you're the blackened who killed Himiko, feel free to raise your hand!"

It went completely silent. I could feel my anxiety build up with each passing second. But, after what felt like forever..

A hand went up.


A/N: OK THIS CHAPTER IS WAYYY OVERDUE BUT HEY AT LEAST I GOT IT DONE RIGHT WYHGFYURWEHGF- a n y w a y s another cliffhanger because i just love doing those for some reason and yes ik i killed our little mage gorl so please leave a F in the chat for her 😔 so um i hope you enjoyed the chapter and hopefully the next chapter will be up quicker than the time it took for me to publish this one so uh yea have a great day or night people :)

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