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Chapter 22


Jasper P.O.V

I opened my eyes and blinked blearily, sunlight was pouring through my blinds,

"UP!" a voice yelled, "RIGHT NOW JASPER WHITLOCK, GET UP!" the voice screamed again. I sat up and groaned, I glanced at the alarm clock, 9 o'clock wasn't that much of a lie in. Today is Saturday the 8th May. I know that this may be any other normal day to anyone else. But not to me, no sir. Today marks a very special occasion. Today, I marry the love of my life, Alice Cullen. It's two years since my sister and I decided to move in with the Cullen's, two years since I proposed. Since then, a lot has happened. Alice and I finished school, this year in fact, and we both enrolled to university. We will, ironically, be studying at the same place. We both applied for many universities and colleges, but Alice kept stressing the fact that she wanted to go somewhere foreign to study. She wanted to learn different cultures, I suggested we travel, for that I almost had my head bitten off! So we are leaving in July, to go to London. We have both been accepted into Oxford University. Alice will be studying fine art, and I will be studying music. I am very excited about this, I think maybe if we liked it in London, we could find a house. Have our family together. The other important thing that has happened since those two years ago, concerns my step-father and his friend. Yes, Matthew and Daniel went to court. I think by then Daniel had attempted suicide many times, but I was glad he'd failed, I wanted him to rot in jail. Forever. The trial had been quite short, about a week. I don't think they needed much more than that, both of them had pled guilty anyway. The whole way through the trial's I would grip Alice's hand and whisper how they were both cowards, among other things, under my breath. In the end it was decided that Matthew would be in jail for 20 years, and Daniel for 25, since he had a record. I didn't think it was enough, but there was nothing I could do. Alice was great throughout the whole ordeal, my rock. I was so glad and proud that in a few hours she would be mine, my wife,

"JASPER!" the voice yelled again. I sighed then shouted back,

"SHUT UP, EMMETT, I'M COMING!" he seemed satisfied because he didn't reply. I stood up and went into the living room. Emmett, Edward and I stayed at a hotel last night. We didn't do much for my stag night, I didn't want to get too wasted and suffer a hangover on my wedding day. We went to a couple of bars, Edward didn't drink any alcohol so that he could drive us around. Then, after a few drinks, Emmett and I thought it a great idea to go swimming at La Push. Edward didn't fight, I think he had given up by then, and off we went. The water was freezing, that's what I vividly remember. After that we went to another bar and then went home. Overall it was a great night with my two closest friends. When I entered the living room, I had to blink and look again. The room was a state, food packages and a few empty cans scattered. It reminded me of when Matthew got drunk, except I knew this time that I wouldn't have to tidy up,

"Morning," Edward greeted me. He was just dialling the phone and I greeted him back,

"Morning," I nodded,

"So Jasper, you nervous?" Emmet asked, I chuckled,

"Nope, I have nothing to be nervous about," he grinned,

"Hey, I am starving!" he announced,

"Em, you are always hungry!" he nodded vigorously,

"Course I am, growing man here!" We both grinned. Emmett was my Best Man for the wedding, Bella was Alice's Maid of Honour. Alice had been spending most of her spare time planning the wedding, she would pester people, mostly me, about it constantly. I couldn't believe the date was finally here,

"How about we order some room service?" I suggested to Emmett,

"Can we!" he asked, "I've never had room service before!" I laughed,

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