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Chapter 20

Jasper P.O.V

Even though Matthew and Daniel had been taken away, although Rosalie and I were free, the victory was bittersweet. There was still the issue of deciding what to do with us. Matthew was our last relative, who our mother had entrusted to care for us properly if she would ever die. We had no one else but each other. It was a scary prospect, where would we go? Rosalie and I had discussed this many times before this, decided, promised that we would never, ever get split up. Even if they physically tried to, we wouldn't let them. Because she was all I had and I was all she had. This is what I thought about as I sat in Forks police office, with Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Carlisle. Alice had been looking vague ever since we arrived, she was looking carefully into the future for me, and whispering the updates. So far all she had managed to see was that Matthew had admitted to all of the charges, and begged them to lock him up. She couldn't see what Daniel had decided, he kept changing his mind. I was frustrated, I wanted to know now. Rosalie had fallen asleep, leaning on Emmett's shoulder, Emmett was asleep too, snoring rather loudly. Rosalie had a small smile on her face,

"He's changed his mind again," Alice whispered,

"What is it now?" I whispered back. She looked vague again and probed the future,

"He's considering killing himself, he is trying to figure out how," I nodded, not wanting to draw attention to our conversation. I looked over at Carlisle, he was leaning over the police desk, talking to Bella's dad. They both seemed relaxed, that calmed me. But so did Carlisle's presence, I somehow felt so much more calm since he was there with us. I knew that if he hadn't been then I would have been wound up, checking on everyone. I realised that I was relaxed because he was the only adult I was close to who also cared for Rosalie and I, even if it was just a little bit and because his children were dating us. Alice squeezed my hand,

"You okay, Jazz?" she asked me,

"Yes, all the better for you being here," I grinned, "How are you?" she paused, thinking about her reply,

"I am happy because you are safe now," we laughed quietly together, until Alice stopped abruptly. Her eyes widened and the vague look I was so familiar too, appeared. She sat motionless for a few seconds and then blinked and gasped loudly. She looked at me, worry etched into her features,,

"What's wrong?" I asked in a panicked voice,

"A vision..." she murmured,

"What did you see, Alice?" I whispered urgently,

"The police officer who is interviewing Daniel, he changed his mind," she voice wavered,

"What's his new decision?" I demanded. She gulped loudly,

"He decided to let Daniel go," a tear streamed down her face, I wiped it away with my finger,

"Shush darlin', it's okay. Its just a possibility, the future can change," she whimpered so I pulled her into am embrace, still being cautious because of my injuries,

"I'll keep an eye out for a change,"

It could have been seconds, minutes, hours, even days but I didn't have a clue. Everything was a whirlwind, but before I knew it I was asked to go in for an interview. Alice was reluctant to let me go out of her sight, but I assured her I wouldn't be long, and that she would see everything without even being in the room. I was led into a small room, with gray walls and a mirror that I knew people would be standing behind, listening. It was necessary for me to have a lawyer present, because I was still a minor. One detective was interviewing me, a man with greying hair. After he stated the time, date and my name, the interview began,

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