First Kiss

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Chapter 6

Jasper POV

The smell of pancakes filled the air. My eyes flew open and I check my bedside cabinet, 07.00am. I slept in! Panic overwhelmed me as I flew out of my bed and scrambled around to get dressed. As I was about to get changed, my door opened slowly. I turned around quickly, dropping the clothes that were in my hands. I calmed down when I realised it was only Rose, she looked concerned,

"Jazzy! What's wrong?" She asked me, running over and hugging me. I suddenly realised I was hyperventilating,

"S-s-sorry, R-Rosie." I stammered,

"Jazz, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Her voice was full of concern. I was confused. Why was Rosalie up here? Why didn't she look afraid too? Why did she let me sleep in?

"Matthew..." I whispered. And then it clicked, Matthew. I was still slow with sleep. I forgot Matthew wasn't here. I forgot we were safe for a few days,

"Shh Jazzy, Matthew isn't here. We are safe." Rosalie whispered back, she hugged me lightly. Silly dreams,

"Sorry Rose, I was just confused." I said my breath slowing as I calmed down. Rosalie pulled back and looked at me,

"Get dressed Jazz; I made bacon, sausage, hash browns and toast. How would you like you're egg?" She smiled sweetly. I loved my sister, she was so caring,

"Err, sunny-side up please." I said. Rosalie nodded her head and marched off back downstairs to cook. I closed my door again and dressed myself slowly. I picked out a purple t-shirt, black jeans and my navy-blue converse. I pulled some gel through my natural curls and looked carefully at the reflection; the guy I saw was unfamiliar, he was happy. He looked like a normal teenager with no problems. I realised that, for the first time in a long time, I was normal. Because Matthew wasn't here to torment my sister and I. Because I had the bright, cheery spirit of Alice to talk to all day,

"Breakfast, Jazz!" Rosalie pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked once more at the reflection and then ran downstairs, a skip in my step. I sat down at the breakfast bar and Rosalie joined me. We drank apple juice, ate our breakfast and chatted lightly. I looked out the window to see it was bright and dry. Today would be nice. I glanced at the clock it read 07:45am, time to burn,

"What will we do now Rosie?" I asked as I washed the dishes,

"Well, we could go to school early, since we're geeks," She teased, "Or we could watch T.V?" She added,

"I vote T.V." I smiled. Rosalie went to the living room and I heard her turn the T.V on. I left the dishes on the side of the sink to dry and followed her lead. She was watching Miami ink,

"I think I'll get a tattoo." She said dreamily,

"No!" I shouted. She looked at me, startled,

"Why?" She whispered. Her face was full of fear, I never shouted at Rosalie,

"Because you are perfect Rose, you can't just wipe a tattoo away like make-up." I said more calmly. I looked at her guiltily,

"Oh." She said. Her lower lip trembled and I felt terrible. I pulled her into a hug and her body heaved with dry sobs. Of course she wouldn't want to smudge her make-up,

"Hey, Rosie Posie. Let's go to school!" I said cheerily. She pulled away from me and smiled. I was forgiven. I helped her put on her jacket and put my hoodie on quickly, my thoughts currently on Alice.

I waited patiently at the front of the school. Rosalie disappeared minutes ago, claiming to want to get to class early. I sat down on the bottom step and looked around. Nothing of much excitement was happening, pupils were getting out of their cars drowsily, hopefully today would be peaceful,

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