Come Hell or High Water

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Chapter 11

Jasper P.O.V

"Jazzy!" a familiar voice screamed. I turned around to see Alice running towards me. I scooped her up into a huge, warm hug,

"Hey Ali." I smiled, looking at her lovingly. Emmett grunted as her locked the car and walked Rosalie into the house. I was pleased that Rose was finally comfortable with Emmett,

"Are you okay?" Alice asked me worriedly. She let go from our embrace and looked me up and down a few times,

"Yes, fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked her nonchalantly. She shrugged her shoulders,

"Just checking." What a strange reply.

Esme had welcomed Rosalie and I in with a warm, kind smile. She seemed to radiate love, and insisted it was fine that Alice and I stay with them for as long as was needed. It didn't take too long for her to convince us, I could tell she was being honest. Alice wanted me to sleep in her bedroom with her but Esme told her that I would rather sleep in a room of my own. I took no part in the argument between them and eventually Alice won, insisting that we would be fine sleeping together in her bed. Rosalie was a little withdrawn throughout the sleeping arrangement conversation, worried, I assumed as to where she would be placed. Esme insisted she sleep in one of the many spare rooms throughout the house. We then all decided to watch Jackass in the living room,

"Stop it!" Rosalie giggled wildly, for the past half hour since the film had ended. Emmett had been trying, and failing miserably, to copy stunts out of the film. He kept asking if he could run out to the store to get fireworks to set them off in the house. All of us were having a great time, laughing at Emmett's stupidity. I personally thought that he was just pleased to see Rosalie smile.

It was past midnight and everyone was fast asleep. That is, of course, not including Alice and I. Alice was curled up with me, wrapped together in a blanket, we were sitting in silence. Alice seemed quite withdrawn,

"What's wrong Alice?" her eyes were wide, it seemed like she was on another planet. She didn't reply, "Alice? Alice, what's wrong?" I was beginning to get a little frantic, she wasn't replying. I shook her and she jumped with a little squeak,

"Oh, sorry Jasper," she whispered, " I a little dream world there." I smiled at me. I looked at her closely, although she was smiling, you couldn't see it in her eyes. Something was wrong, but she obviously didn't want to discuss whatever it was that was bothering. She would tell me in time,

"Come on Alice, lets go to bed. It's been a long day." She nodded and I shifted our position in the bed. We were facing each other, Alice curled into me, I draped an arm over her. Alice fell asleep first, I watched her sleeping, her beautiful face so peaceful and angelic even when she is asleep. I fell asleep watching her, knowing that for now, we were safe, from the monsters in my house.

I woke up refreshed in the morning. I smiled realizing that it wasn't a dream, I really was at Alice's house. Alice was still curled up with me, but she was wide awake watching me with a small smile on her face,

"Good morning sleepy head," she chimed,

"Good morning' darlin'" I smiled, strengthening my southern accent a little. She giggled and pulled the covers off of us. I shivered,

"Hey, come on can't we stay in bed for while?" I pouted pathetically, winning yet another melodic laugh,

"No way. I have been up for ages, you're so peaceful when you sleep Jazz, like an angel." She smiled broadly,

"The only angel here is you," I cringed a little, it sounded a bit cheesy,

"Aw thanks," she blushed, "But anyway, I am starving. Come on!" She grabbed me by the arm and started dragging me off of the bed. She wasn't strong enough and I pulled her in for a warm hug,

"Breakfast then." I said, she nodded into my chest. I stood up, taking her with me and we walked hand in hand down the stairs. I could smell the bacon from the top landing and my stomach rumbled loudly,

"Someone's hungry," Alice grinned. We entered the kitchen only to be ushered out immediately by Esme,

"Aw please Esme, let me help you!" I whined, she shook her head,

"No Jasper, I told Rosalie as well, you are both guests I don't expect either of you to cook or place the table." She smiled genuinely. Alice tugged my hand and, defeated, I followed her into the dining room where everyone was already seated. Carlisle was at the head of the table, reading a paper. Edward was next to Rosalie, he seemed to be in a dream, and on her other side was Emmett, it sounded like he was telling her a joke. She laughed after he whispered something to her, then he turned around,

"Morning Mr Whitlock, Miss Cullen," He nodded feigning importance, "Please do sit down and help yourselves to food, my maid Esme has kindly prepared." We played along, sitting down across from them with our backs straight. Esme came in just in time and placed down two massive plates of food. Bacon, eggs, hash browns, potato scones, fried bread, French toast, fried tomatoes, and everything else imaginable. She scurried off back into the kitchen and reappeared with a bowl of steaming hot baked beans,

"Please, help yourselves. If you want anything just ask," She smiled lovingly at us all, she was such a wonderful person, I could tell, "And Emmett, please take your time." She smiled at her son. Emmett shrugged,

"What you trying to say Ma? I eat at a perfect, mannerly pace." He smiled innocently and then quickly piled loads of food onto his plate and began scoffing, Esme scowled,

"Leave him dear, he's a lost hope now." Carlisle had reappeared from behind the paper and smirked at his wife. I followed Alice's lead, putting a few things on my plate. I had never seen so much food before,

"Jasper, Rosalie, did you both have a good sleep?" Rosalie answered first,

"Oh I had a lovely sleep, thank you Esme," She beamed. I had never seen Rose this happy before. I wished at that moment that this was our family, our life. Where we all lived with the Cullen's, having a wonderful time knowing that we were loved. I wished that we could stay here forever, but I knew that we couldn't. In a few days time we would simply have to return home, because come hell or high water, no matter what Emmett or Alice said, Matthew would get us back.

A/N: Hi guys. I would just like to express how truly sorry I am for not updating. I feel horrible! I must admit that my excuse may seem a little lame but it is true. I promise. I have been extremely busy with school, my exams are coming up and I have struggled to find any time to update. I have also suffered from serious writer's block and this is me just getting through it. I am on a two week break from school and although I am supposed to be revising loads, well I will not make any promises so don't hold me to this, but I hope to have another chapter up before the end of the holidays. It will most likely just be a little fluff again, but I enjoy writing fluffy chapters. So what do you think? I admit it is a little shorter than I wanted it to be and I did intend on making it longer but I wanted to get this out ASAP because a few people have been emailing me complaining that I have not been updating. Please let me know w hat you all think, I love constructive criticism! Review away please! I like to know everyone else's thoughts and ideas. Thank you all for reading my story! I love you all,


P.S: Just to let you all know, i am sorry that the chapter was originally bolded and underlined, that was not my fault. I fixed it now (:

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