The Note

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Chapter 3

Jasper POV

"Jasper, Jasper! Wake up!" I groaned, opening my eyes and then instantly shutting them again. It was too bright,

"Jasper its 7 o'clock, we will be late!" Rosalie was frantically shaking me, trying to wake me up,

"Okay, okay I am getting up Rose." I whispered. I opened my eyes and gasped at the sight before me. Rosalie had a huge black bruise covering her right eye,

"Its okay Jazz, I can cover it with make-up." She said, standing up and walking out of my room. I noticed that Rosalie was fully dressed, wearing a pair of gray skinny jeans, neon green high heels and a white tank-top with love written across it in gold writing. I groaned as I got out of my bed, everywhere hurt from last night. As I dressed myself I looked over my body. It wasn't as bad as usual. I had a huge purple bruise on my stomach and several small ones on my forearm. My face was tender but thankfully there were no bruises, but there was a big scratch down the left side of my face. I would just tell anyone who asked that it was a pet that scratched me. I dressed myself quickly. I didn't have time for a shower. I quickly put on black jeans, a red shirt with a black t-shirt underneath it and slipped on my black and white chequered vans. I looked at my self in the mirror, quickly tugging a comb through my messy blond curly hair. I walked quietly down the stairs, not wanting to wake Matthew. I was expecting to see the living room a mess but when I went into the room, it was clean. I could smell the air freshener and mentally cursed myself for sleeping in. I walked into the kitchen where I found Rosalie putting a plate full of food into the oven. I noticed that she had now put on make-up and the bruise was completely covered,

"Rose, you should have woken me up. I would have tidied the living room." I said as I put two pop-tarts into the toaster,

"No Jazz, you needed the sleep. I wanted to thank you for trying to help me last night." Rose said quietly as she poured two glasses of orange juice,

"You didn't have to." I stated. The pop-tarts popped up and I handed one to Rosalie. We leaned against the counter eating our breakfast in silence. Once we were done I washed both our glasses in the sink and put them back into the cupboard,

"So, are you okay? Do you want me to take you to the doctors?" I asked her concerned,

"No," she shook her head, "I am okay, just bruises and scratches. I had a paracetamol for the pain. I will be okay Jasper, but what about you? Do you need to go to the doctor?" She didn't completely convince me at saying she was okay. As to her question, I didn't want to tell her I was actually in agony whenever I moved, she would get upset,

"Okay Rose, but if you do change you're mind just tell me. I am fine, don't worry. I can handle it." I said,

"Jazz, I will drive myself to school today and get home straight after school." She changed the subject, she obviously sensed I didn't want to discuss the matter further, "You take you're car to school and pick up some more beer on the way home." Rose instructed me as she pulled on her black leather jacket and grabbed her keys and bag,

"Yes ma'am." I tried to smile, "Be careful when you're home though Rose. If anything happens please call me. I will be as quick as I can." I told her as I pulled on my black hoodie and grabbed my keys. She didn't speak, just nodded quickly. I jumped into my car and drove away. I found myself desperately wanting to see Alice. I wanted to see her bright smile and hear her beautiful wind-chime voice. But more than that I wanted to hold her and call her mine.

When I arrived at school, Rosalie was only just arriving. She looked pre-occupied so I just walked into school on my own. I was walking to English when I was suddenly knocked to the ground. I winced in pain and I looked up to see tiny little Alice straddling me, laughing,

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