Phonecalls and Knives

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Chapter 18

Jasper P.O.V

I sat on Rosalie's bed , confusion etched over both of our face,

"Jasper, she is supposed to be in hospital. She should be in a psychiatric ward, she dangerous!" Rosalie whispered harshly, although there was no need for whispering. Matthew and Daniel had loud music on downstairs,

"Yes, I know that Rosalie. She must have escaped," I replied in a harsh tone,

"Well what do we do? If she sees you or me, she might go off on one," I shivered inwardly at the memory of Jessica going crazy. I didn't want Rosalie to get hurt, but what could I do,

"What do you want me to do, Rose?" I asked, my tone clipped,

"I don't know Jasper, but she's a danger to everyone, even Daniel and Matthew," she wasn't exaggerating, from what Carlisle had told us, Jessica was quite a hazard to not only those around her, but to herself as well. I didn't want anyone getting hurt, not even her,

"I know Rose," I whispered, I rubbed my temples trying to come up with a different solution to the only one I could come up with. I had a debate with myself, weighing the pros and cons of the only solution I could think of. I knew that it would be safer to call Carlisle, but then he would have no choice but to do something about Matthew and Daniel. But even if I anonymously called the police, well then they would do something perhaps even more drastic with Daniela and Matthew, I sighed,

"Jazz, we have to do something," I looked up at her, she was concerned at my lack of response,

"We have to call Carlisle," she gasped, shock covering her features,

"Are you sure Jasper? Once we call him, the game is up," I nodded grabbing her hands I looked her straight in the eyes,

"Its out only option, at least Carlisle will be someone we know, and not Bella's dad," she nodded, agreeing with my logic, "So I am going to call Carlisle, and you are going to pack a bag with everything you need, okay?"

"Okay Jazz." and that was that. She pulled a duffel bag from underneath her bed and set about packing. I sat on her bed perfectly still, awaiting a call I knew was coming. As if on cure my phone rang. Rosalie looked over, surprised. I picked up the phone,

"Hi Alice," I greeted my angel. Of course she would have had a vision of me making the decision, or maybe even a vision of me calling Carlisle,

"Hi Jazz, are you okay?" she asked me, conversationally. She obviously was pleased with the situation she had foreseen,

"Yes I am fine," I smiled, "So I am guessing you know?" I asked her, trying to not arouse Rosalie's suspicions,

"I did, don't worry everything will be fine. What is going to happen is we talk for a few more minutes and then you call Carlisle. I will just happen to be hovering around him and will insist I come with him, so you have some support. I think Emmett will be there too, but Its hard to see when he hasn't consciously made the decision," I nodded, listening intently,

"Okay, well will the situation be safe? For you I mean," laughed her melodious laugh,

"Don't worry Jasper, I will be perfectly safe," relief washed over me,

"Ali, will Rosalie and I have to go to a home? They will more than likely send us away," I heard her sigh,

"I'm sorry, but I can't see that yet. Since no one had made any decisions, it is all extremely hazy," I had a feeling she would say that. I just hoped that I could stay near her, preferably in Forks. But I also refused to be split up from Rosalie,

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