𝐗𝐈 | 𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭

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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛  CHAPTER 11 ❜┊˚̥۪͙۪◌

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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ CHAPTER 11 ❜┊˚̥۪͙۪◌

Y/N AND ROBIN SAT on y/n's bed eating a bunch of lollies y/n's ma brought home from the grab n go, they were definitely having a sugar rush
"shit what's the time!?" y/n said looking over at the clock.

"ITS 11:58" robin said in shock "oh shit" y/n laughed "let's go we gotta go!" y/n whisper shouted, the pair grabbed a hoodie slipping it onto their cold body's before grabbing some money from y/ns piggy bank.

y/n stuffed her pockets with money before turning off her lights, robin and y/n ran to the window, her window was pretty high off the ground so they had to jump down.

"fuck it's higher then i thought" y/n said looking down "i gotcha" robin said smiling, he jumped down landing swiftly on his feet "easy peasy" he said dusting his hands off on his jacket.

"here i'll catch you" robin said holding his hands out for y/n to jump "you are kidding! i'll crush you!" y/n said laughing "no you won't, look at these muscles!" he said flexing his muscles.

"i don't see any" y/n joked, robin rolled her eyes smiling "you know what fall for all i care" he said as he swatted the air before walking away "arellano get your ass back here." y/n said.

he chuckled walking back over there, y/n sat on the roof at the edge, robin reached up grabbing her by her waist, he picked her up carrying her down to the ground, he plopped her down still holding onto her waist.

"see, easy" he said smiling "shut up" y/n said as she looked down at his hands on her waist "you gonna move them hands?" y/n said looking back up at him, he shrugged "do you want me to?" he said, you could tell he was being flirty about it.

y/n chuckled nervously thinking and hoping he was joking "i dunno" she mumbled "yes or no" he said, his eyes staring deep into hers. y/n looked away from him looking over at the street near them.

just then she felt a finger pull her face to the right, her face meeting robins "i'm talking to you" he said, y/n felt nervous, there was so much tension between the two.

"i know" she mumbled "why are you so nervous?" he said with a teasing smile, y/n rolled her eyes "get outta my face arellano" she said as she walked away chuckling.

robin laughed walking alongside her, the two began walking to the blake's house in a comfortable but yet awkward silence, a few words being spilled here and there.

they finally made it to finneys house, they walked over to gwen's window quietly knocking on it, a few seconds later the window slowly opened revealing finney and gwen.

"hey!" gwen whisper shouted "heyy!" y/n whispered back, gwen hopped out of the window since the window was at ground level.

soon finney jumped out, they shut the window slowly "holy shit! i can't believe we are sneaking out!" gwen said as she began running down the street, y/n joined her running down the end of the street.

this left the two boys to talk "bro guess what" robin turned to finn "what" finn said "me and y/n had like a moment or something, actually a bunch of them!" robin said almost bouncing in excitement.

"what happened tell me!" finn said, he had always been their biggest shipper "so basically i'm sleeping over at hers tonight cause my ma's working, and i fell asleep on her bed, and when i woke up her head was on my chest and our legs were like intertwined with each other!" robin said.

"dude that's like couple shit" finney laughed "i know right, so then i fell back asleep and when i woke up i was on her chest BUT she was awake and watching tv it was like she didn't even care!" robin said smiling widely.

"no way!" finney said as his mouth dropped "yep! AND guess what" he said yet again "there's more?" finney said laughing, robin nodded

"when we were sneaking out, i helped her get off the roof and i grabbed her waist and when i put her on the ground i kept my hands on her waist, cause i wanted to see what her reaction was, and she asked if i was gonna take my hands off her waist and i said 'do you want me to" and she said i dunno!" robin said basically fan-girling to finn.

"you should ask her out already" finn said "nah that's scary, well...maybe, when the times right i might" he said shrugging, the pair looked over at the two girls who were pretending to be strippers on the street poles

"what are they doing" finney chuckled as gwen swung around the pole, the two boys ran over to them "what are you doing" finn asked

"WE STRIPPERS" gwen yelled "shhh! gwen keep down we'll get caught!" finney laughed "my bad, i'm just so hyped it's so fun!" gwen said running around.

y/n laughed as she began doing cartwheels with gwen on the road, there was no cars so they could practically do anything.everyone was asleep. "weeeee!" gwen said as she repeatedly did cartwheels

"boys! join us!" y/n laughed " i can't do that!" robin laughed. "i can" finney said as he did a perfect cartwheel "bruh how!?" robin said dropping his jaw, "here lemme help" y/n said as she walked over to robin

"just go like this" y/n said as she slowly did a cartwheel "ok" robin said, y/n was expecting him to do it slowly so she could help but he kicked his feet into the air kicking y/n right in the nose.

he did the cartwheel but made y/n fall back onto the road in the making, y/n whined holding her nose "fuck!" she said holding her now bleeding nose.

"shit i'm sorry!" robin said as he ran over to her "jeez robin" gwen said "i didn't mean it!" he said feeling bad, he never meant to hurt y/n, he would never want to hurt her.

"here" he said as he got the corner of his shirt placing it on y/n's nose to stop the bleeding, eventually it stopped bleeding, y/n wiped her nose getting the blood from around her nose off.

"i'm so so sorry" robin apologised yet again "robin it was an accident, it's ok" y/n laughed "i didn't mean to hurt you" he said cupping her face, she nodded smiling "i know you would never, it's ok" y/n said.

"kiss! kiss! kiss!" gwen and finney cheered "do you two wanna match bleeding noses with me?" y/n said turning to them, they both chuckled cheekily.


i love pretending i'm a stripper on street poles like it's so fun if you haven't done it you haven't lived life.

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝘼𝙏𝙀𝙍 𝙒𝙀𝘼𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍 - robin arellanoWhere stories live. Discover now