Chapter Six: You two together is still totally revolting to me

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"Watch your step." I said as I guided Paxton up the steps to his house.

"Jesus, I'm never drinking again."

"You should probably never snap on your girlfriend either." I grumbled. "She's too good for you." I added, practically panting from helping him from the car to the couch.

When he was finally seated properly he grinned up at me. He was in some type of daze and you could tell because of his lazy smile, most likely do to his pain meds. "Girlfriend, you're my girlfriend."

I placed me hands on my hips and looked down at the drugged up mess that was now mine. "Yes, yes I am."

"I like how that sounds." He said, tugging on my hand for me to sit down.

I obliged and sat down next to him, tucking my feet underneath me. "I like how that sounds too." I said, cupping his cheek and popping a quick kiss on his lips. He groaned when I pulled away and I laughed, holding my finger threateningly over his nose.

"No kissing. It'll hurt your nose."

"And make me sick." Flynn grumbled as he walked into the living room, throwing himself on the couch. He picked up the remote and turned the TV on. "You two together is still revolting to me." He said, leaning forward and waving the remote at us before finally sitting back.

Aaron stepped into the living room and snatched the remote out of his hands.

"Hey! Give it back." Flynn protested.

Aaron furrowed his brow and looked at his brother. "It's Monday, you have school tomorrow. Don't you have homework to do?"

"As a matter of fact, I do not. Now give me the remote. Besides, it's senior year." He said, holding his hand out expectantly.

"We have a huge test tomorrow in Physics and I know you never pay attention in class so I know you don't have an A. You bomb that test you're f.ucked for the midterm which you're definitely taking. Which may I remind you is in two weeks."

Flynn looked at me as if he was just told he was going to die tomorrow. A panic overcame him and he scrambled to his feet. "Why would you tell me that the day before the exam?"

I shrugged and crossed my legs. "You never asked." I said, batting my eyelashes at him.

"I'm f.ucked!"

"Madison is on her way over."

"What good is that going to do me?"

"Well she's a science nerd and you're an idiot so I thought she could help. And if you're a lost cause you can at least stare at her until you grow the balls to tell her you like her. It's up to you, Flynnigan." I said flatly, shifting my attention from his perplexed face to the TV.

"I don't know whether to hate you or love you."

"It's quite a fine line." I said, grinning up at him.

He glared at me as he stomped up the stairs, probably off to spray ten gallons of cologne.

"You're so cruel." Aaron said laughing.

"Tough love, it works." I shrugged.

"So what are you going to do with him? He knocked out once you told Flynn he was basically not graduating if he fails tomorrow." Aaron said, nodding his head to a sleeping Paxton.

I looked down at him and sighed. "His parents should be home with food in twenty minutes and he hasn't eaten today so he's probably hungry. I'll let him nap." I said, patting his knee.

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