Chapter Eighteen: I'm gonna get a restraining order against you

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"So the next time I'm going to see you is in August?" I asked, leaning against my car.

"Sadly, I believe so." Aaron said, picking his bag off the floor and looking at the busy airport behind me.

"Text me when you land." I said, stepping towards him and wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Would you have expected anything else?" He grinned and placed his fingers under my chin, bringing my lips to his.

"Don't let Joey talk you into anything stupid!" I shouted as he made his way in.

He chucked and looked back at me. "He probably will. I'll keep you posted on all his stupid plans."

I grinned and opened the driver side door. "Can't wait."

He winked and walked into the airport, getting lost in the sea of people. When I knew he was for sure lost in the crowd I got in my car and headed home, wanting nothing to do but eat and watch Netflix. Somehow my friends just can never let that happen.


"Why, just why are you in my bed when I wasn't even home?" I groaned, dropping my bag on the chair by my desk and and placing my hands on my hips.

Paxton looked up from my laptop, brows furrowed, a grin breaking across his lips when he saw me. "Finally, I've realized we've been slacking on watching American Horror Story, and that is completely unacceptable." Pax said, patting the spot next to him.

I sighed and kicked off my shoes, throwing myself on my bed, enjoying the feeling of the worn mattress hugging me.

"Who let you in?" I asked, confused since we were home alone.

"You really should lock your windows." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to get a restraining order against you."

"Not even a restraining order can keep me away, babe." He said with a wink as he turned my tv on opened up the DVR.

"Well that's cause you've never heard of boundaries."

"Shhh!" He said as the show started.

I rolled my eyes yet again, crossing my arms and legs and focusing on the screen, slightly inching towards Pax as I got more freaked out.

By the end of the show I was clutching his arm as he let out a sigh. "Another one bites the dust." He sighed.

He looked down at me and snickered at my evident fear. "Don't, I'm good." I warned, finally untangling myself from him.

"You're so peeing your pants on the inside."

"Stop! It was a scary episode, okay?" I groaned, rolling over and burrowing my face in my pillow.

"I'm judging."

I flipped him off, not bothering to look up and make eye contact with him.

"What time does Aaron land?" Paxton asked looking down at his black G-Shock.

I sighed and pulled out my phone, looking at the time. "In like three hours."

"So six?"

"Our time, yes."

"So nine over there? This shit fucks me up." He sighed.

"And yet you got into American." I shook my head.

"So did you."

"Yes, but I'm not going there."

"How come? Are you doing it for Aaron or cause you're avoiding me?"

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