Ch 36 Hard Truth

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Beau ran through the forest focused on following Jin's trail which wasn't especially difficult for him seeing as this path was familiar since it appeared to be leading in the direction of The Rivers Bend Tribe. His ears pricked when he heard a noise behind him and realized he was being followed. Beau didn't have a good feeling, so he began to run erratically, covering a portion of Jin's trail, then led the suspicious beastman off in a different direction. Unfortunately no matter how fast Beau ran the mystery male kept pace, until he didn't...

It didn't take Beau long to figure out that the mystery male realized what he was doing and was now likely making his way back to find Jin's trail. Beau had no choice but to cut through the forest in the hope that he was right about where Jin was headed, to have a chance to intercept the mystery male. To his luck, Beau was right and he'd just re-found Jin's trail when the mystery male bound out through the trees, Beau was barely able to avoid the jaws snapping dangerously close to his neck.

Two foxes slowly circled each other, hair standing on end, lips pulled back exposing their vicious fangs.

"Why are you following me?" Beau growled suspiciously.

"I'm not following you, foolish cub. I'm... Hunting." Kinkade said with a sly dangerous smirk. "Why are you out here all alone? Did Jin finally sense the lost female?" He asked with a mocking concerned tilt of his head.

"What's your interest in my mate?" Beau hissed, his heckles rose with aggression, but the other male wasn't intimidated.

"Your mate?" He scoffed out a chuckle. "You haven't even mated with her. And now why would she even want a weak male like you? At least that white tiger is terra marked now, so she might not abandon him. But you..." Kinkade's fox grin turned sinister as he spoke, watching Beau's reaction as he put into words the greatest fear of all beastmen.

"You know nothing about my female." Beau interrupted barely restraining himself from attacking the older male.

"Are you sure about that, cub? I know more than you think." He taunted with a proud glint of superiority shining in his amber eyes.

"I'm sure you do. Hiding and scheming from the shadows. Just like you tried with the fox Chief." Beau scoffed hatefully. "Always cleaning up messes not just for your mate but for her spoiled family and cubs..." Beau's eyes widened as realization began to dawn on him... "Your mates cubs took her, didn't they? But she must have escaped. That's why you're here now following Jin's trail. You're trying to find her."


"Is she in there?" Asked a boisterous female.

"Yes but her males are..." Dylan answered hesitantly.

"Their terra marked." Another male finished his sentence.

"So what. Are you afraid? Tch." The female scoffed. "Get out of my way. I want to meet the female capable of gaining that stubborn cubs favor." She said before the curtain on the healer hut flew open to reveal an ebony beauty.

Her rich dark skin popped against the bright sunlight and was off set by her glowing lilly green eyes. Her black wavy hair was cut short up to her ears but was clean and well kept, she wore a beautiful pastel pink cloth dress that wrapped around her but left her slightly pudgy but obviously pregnant stomach exposed.

"Well now, aren't you a beauty." The female spoke in an enthusiastically enticing tone as her reflective feline eyes raked over every inch of Liz that could be seen, before she glanced at both terra marked males who were staring holes through her. Covering a small shudder of fear the female thrust her shoulders back, cleared her throat and spoke in an authoritative tone. "I'm Jamina. Mated to the Chiefs of the Rivers Bend Tribe. You must have gone through a difficult time, but you'll be safe here. Now tell me, how did you seduce that ungrateful cub of mine?" She asked all too seriously, catching Liz off guard as question marks overloaded her brain.

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