Ch 51 Divide and Conquer

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The situation wasn't exactly ideal, Liz never wanted things to get so out of hand. She didn't want to separate from Jin and leave him there in the Rivers Bend Tribe but it was the plan the males decided on and she couldn't talk them out of it. The males kind of took her traps idea to a whole other level after hearing her explanations, being beasts who specialize in building underground they loved the idea of pit fall traps, though they threw their own modifications into it to make it more devastational to their enemies.

Jin insisted on staying and making sure no males who were a threat would survive to follow them back, Liz cried but also didn't want to live in fear of them coming after her for the rest of her life. Liz told him to be careful, not to take any stupid risks and most importantly, "Come back to me safely... Alive... No matter what... I don't care about anything else." Liz practically wrapped herself around Jin, her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck, as she kissed him deeply, fiercely, passionately. Completely ignoring the fact that they were being watched by literally everyone, females and males, both mated and not, because come on let's face it, there is very little entertainment in the beast world and this very public display attracted all, leaving them swooning with racing hearts and a deep seeded desire to hear those words spoken to them, with even just a fraction of the love, desire and caring that they heard in her voice.

Chief Kadence didn't want to leave his mate either and enjoyed a nice send off from her thanks to that little show, but he was more than excited for the battle aswell. He was ready to repay the Fierce Claw Tribe and the rootless beastmen for all the losses they've suffered over the years. Sure the plan was extreme and devastational but if they succeeded their females and tribe would be safe or at least safer without that extra constant threat hanging over their heads.

Tarin reluctantly helped everyone who wasn't staying in the tribe to fight across the river where they knew they wouldn't accidentally run into any of the opposing beastmen. As they traveled some rabbit beastmen scouted ahead for danger, followed closely by a group of foxes to act as a first line of defence just in case.

Directly after them was Tairen who was in his human form carrying Liz, while Beau hobbled along beside them on three legs. Beau had told Liz it would be easier for him to travel in beast form in case they were attacked along the way. To his surprise after he shifted Liz redressed his leg in a new splint, though instead of keeping it straight she bound it up so he couldn't move it at all and told him it still needed to heal. It was difficult to find his balance at first, but he quickly figured out how to manage, not wanting to be a hindrance to Liz, 'unlike someone else,' he thought with a little too much contempt.

Eryk trudged along behind them carrying an embarrassed Kephyr on his back, both males were unhappy by their situation but put up with it to please Liz, since she was the one who personally asked them to travel this way. Because of Kephyr being so injured she was worried there was no way he would have been able to keep up and she was right, but it was embarrassing and shameful for a male to admit that, though her consideration made his heart swell with a tender emotion.

Jamina rode on one of her fox mates and was surrounded by 18 other males and that's not all her mates, Chief Kadence and five more stayed behind to lead the tribe in battle. Jamina's group was then closely followed by the 12 other females from the tribe and their mates, behind them was another group of males protecting the rear of their caravan. The number of females in the tribe surprised Liz greatly, since she knew that the Fierce Claw Tribe only had 7 females not including Liz herself.

When they finally arrived to the Fierce Claw Tribe they found it surprisingly vacant... Completely unprotected... At first Liz was way too paranoid and had the Rivers Bend tribesmen fall back, thinking that they might have set a trap or could be lying in wait to ambush them. Everyone looked at Liz with a mix of astonishment, curiosity, amazement and pity, because what might this little female have had to go through for her mind to think so tactically. Liz decided the best course of action would be for her to go in first so they would reveal themselves, she was sure they wouldn't kill her since it was her they were after in the first place. Beau and Kephyr strongly objected, Tairen stayed silent but his grip on her tightened and he already decided he wouldn't leave her side, he'd go anywhere she did despite any objections she might have.

Liz obviously lost the argument, though she was still the first to march into the tribe. Ok not so much march as she was carried by Tairen, since he refused to let her down, she conceded since he'd be the fastest to react if something unexpected happened. Eryk scoffed in offense at this since he claimed to be faster, but he didn't protest too much and instead decided to accompany them into the tribe, overconfidently saying it's just in case she needed a quick get away, not rude but cocky in a way that made Liz roll her eyes and shake her head with a small smile on her lips.

Just a little info though, between the two males, since Tairen is terra marked his reaction time is faster than Eryk's, but being a turtle Tairen's speed comes in short quick bursts, whereas Eryk being a rabbit has the endurance and stamina to travel long distances while maintaining his speed. Again Eryk is also the fastest male in his tribe.

Beau wanted to accompany them as well but Liz adamantly refused, she even went so far as to threaten to have Tairen tie him to a tree if he wouldn't stay put. It was touching to see her concern for his well-being but embarrassing and made him feel weak, Liz wasn't a fool so she did understand part of what upset Beau, so she tried to reassure him by explaining that he'd already pushed himself enough in just traveling, he couldn't risk reinjuring his leg right now while it's trying to heal. "Just rest and wait for me. We'll be back soon." She said and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips that left him floating in a temporary bubble of happiness until she pulled away and his worry for her safely resurfaced.

What Liz still failed to realize was everyone was again watching the heart warming display, her sweet words, caring gentle personality and public displays of affection attracted every male in the vicinity in one way or another and gained her countless more admirers that her males would have to fend off later after things settle down.

Jamina, her males and the rest of the caravan backed off, some fanned out into the surrounding forest, but most encircled the females to ensure their protection.

To Liz's complete surprise her fears of an ambush seemed to be completely unfounded, though it was difficult for her to believe they actually left the entire tribe unprotected, no one jumped out and attacked them. Even when someone did spot them, after a few long moments of the male staring at Liz with obvious shock and confusion written across his face, he turned and ran off. Liz ignored him since she recognized him as one of Teela's mates and he wasn't going in the direction of Tabby's cave, so Liz just continued on their way for her own boss battle.

Liz's heart hammered in her chest and her hands turned cold and clammy, she wasn't sure exactly what she was going to say or do, but she was going to confront the woman, the bitch who had a hand in hurting her.

Before they reached their destination they were spotted again, not that they were actually trying to hide, only this time they were seen by one of Tabby's males. He stared from the entrance of her cave and even from this distance Liz watched as all the color drained from his face, before he abruptly ran inside.

"What's going on? What are you doing? Put me down!" They heard Tabby's shrill scream echo from the cave entrance.

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