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Her arrival at The Big Easy was her highlight of the month , she was welcomed by her two best friends with tons of balloons and her favorite snacks, since they were already aware of the gavi situation as soon as they were settled in her room the questions began

-so y'all really broke up?

-he so stupid frl

-how was spain?

-how was the wag life?

-can you introduce me to pedri?!!!

She answered the questions as best as she could and she tried to avoid gavi's topic, she had been over it for about a week and she hadn't cried in the same time. Across the globe things weren't the same for him, since he spent the first weeks of their breakup in denial he hadn't really had time to grieve so as she was healing he was hurting, his friends tried to help him as best as they could but he would just shut them out.

Although Kaila had sort of gotten over Pablo the media had just begun the drama, there were tons of speculations as to why the 18 year old had unfollowed her -something he had done in a childish fit and regretted but she quickly unfollowed him aswell- since they weren't aware of the end of their relationship the hate on her had just begun. Many had started to conclude that they had in fact broken up due to her departure from Spain, the main media outlets weren't aware of her ex partner and the story he had posted so they didn't know the source of Gavi's anger.

As the time progessed and no more sightings or known interactions between the two were accounted for so the media they labeled them as separated, anytime reporters asked him he would keep quiet and since there wasn't any in New Orleans she didn't have to deal with the pressure from the press, she did have to deal with the online hate she recieved on a daily basis from the toxic and very jealous gavi fan girls. Kaila began to acustom to the tons of dm's wishing her death and posts made about her, all she wanted to do was forget her past and she knew she hadn't done anything wrong, she wasn't the one at fault.

In Spain as time progessed for them his situation didn't seem to get any better, his out bursts begun to anger Xavi so he ordered Pablo to fix his behavior or he would be riding the bench for the rest of the season, the threat didn't seem to work so he sent him home for a week and benched him for a game replacing him with Pablo Torre. The new lineup seemed to please Barcelona's trainer so he kept it for the next game, and the one after. This only seemed to make Gavi's attitude worse so his best friend knew there was something he had to do.

Pedri showed up to Gavi's house abruptly and started talking sense into him. "Do you really think acting this way is going to get you anywhere?" he asked the younger boy. "Xavi is about to replace you with Pablo Torre and your going to be debunked to Barcelona B" he continued seriously. "I care about you, alot and im not about to sit on my ass watching you ruin your life over some dumb shit you caused." he said, Gavi tried interupting him but the number 8 continued, "You and I both know she would never do such things so you're the one left looking like a dumbass crying for no reason, get up and start acting like a grown up, she's moved on if you havent noticed. She stopped crying a while ago while you've started to tear down your career, im not saying forget about her, all im saying is stop acting like a fucking child." That declaration was all he needed to hear, Gavi realized that it was his fault and that he needed to get his head out of the gutter. And that's exactly what he did.

As Kaila returned to school she was asked many questions about her previous relationship with the famous midfielder, she answered the ethical questions and ingnored the ones like "how could you leave a guy like him?" she didn't gave the guts to tell them in reality he left her or that it was only a misunderstanding because she didn't even know herself.

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