14. I wouldn't leave you for anyone

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Kaila's POV

The World Cup is in 2 months! I am so excited, the players nervousness is beginning to show, I can tell they are very very anxious about it. It's weighing on them especially on Gavi, since he is debuting he's super nervous, whenever I even bring up the World Cup he tries to move on to the next topic as soon as possible. Poor kid, he's going to do fine but he doesn't believe it.

I still go to some of the practices but I still see less and less of the team just because of how close the World Cup is, I can see they are very busy. I barely even see my dad.

Today was no different, when I woke up around 9am my dad was gone and my mom was watching tv, breakfast this morning was eggs which were on the stove. I served myself food and took it to the couch to sit and watch the news with my mom.

-Buenos Dias mamá!

-"Buenos Dias cariño"
(Good morning honey)

-Deberiamos hacer algo hoy, estoy muy abburida
(We should do something today, im super bored) I tell my mother

-"Si, estaba pensando la misma cosa. Vamos a la playa? Hoy el clima esta muy bueno."
(Yes, I was thinking the same thing. Let's go to the beach? The weather is really nice today) she says

-Siiii, muy buena idea! Vamos que yo voy a levantar a Laura y a David, y tu puedes preparar unos snacks.
(Yesss, that's a great idea! I'll go wake up Laura and David, you can get some snacks ready)

-"Anda ve, hacemos un mini picnic en la playa, lleva tu traje de baño, y alista el de tus hermanos tambien."
(Okay come one, let's do a mini picnic at the beach, take your swimsuit, and your siblings too.")

-Okay mom

I go upstairs and wake Laura up first, I tell her to pack her swimsuit. Then I go to David's room, I find his swimsuit then I wake him up. When I get them downstairs we are all ready. I decided to put on shorts and a tank top over my bikini.

We got in the car and headed to the beach. When we got there surprisingly it wasn't very full

We unloaded our stuff, set up our towels and then I decided to go for a little swim. The water was at a perfect temperature.

After a while swimming I decided to go back to shore, my stomach was growling by then so I needed the food. My mom was setting out our snacks while Lauren and David played in the sand by the shallow water.

-"Ya te cansastes?"
(You're tired?) she asks me

-Si, tambien tengo hambre
(Yes, I'm also hungry) I say smiling

-Mira, ahi hay un sandwich cometelo, que voy a llamar a tus hermanos.
(Here, eat this sandwich, im going to call your siblings over here.) she says

When we all finish eating I decide to just sit in the sun, I really need a tan, my legs are so pale it's embarrassing. After a while of me being under the sun my brother approaches me.

-"Queres jugar un partido tu y yo?"
(Want to play a match, me and you?) he asks

-Si si vamos que me pongo mis shorts.
(Yes yes let's go I'll put on my shorts)

-"Okay vamos que te espero"
(Okay c'mon I'll wait for you)

-Ya, ya estoy vamos
(Okay, I'm really let's go)

My brother grabs the ball from the beach bag and we begin playing.

The game ended up in 3-2 because I wasn't about to let him win.

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