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I crashed into the receptionists arms as she gave me a hug of sympathy and brought me back with the rest of the police trailing behind. We walked through the hall until she opened the door and sat me down in a comfy room and left me some food as a few police came in. They first of all took my cuffs off, and lemme tell you. It felt amazing being able to use my quirk again!

I wiped any remaining tears as the police started to question me. "L-Listen, j-just give me your hand. I-It'll be e-e-easier.." I made a quirk and grabbed the police officer's hand. I showed him my experience and everything that happened. 

It made me relive the memories, along with having the officer see them too. I pulled my hand away in tears and fright on my face. I looked over to the police officer's face to see his face in shock and fear. A tear even formed as he took a breathe and straightened up. 

"I-I see. Thank you, I'll be going now." He walked away as he talked quietly among the police outside the room. The receptionist came in and saw I ate all the jelly beans. "Hey dear, how are you?" She said reassuringly with a calm smile. She sat across from me and talked with me, making me feel a lot better. "Well I gotta go, but I'll be in later-" "W-What's your name?" She looked at me with a bright face. "I'm Himari." "Thank you Himari, you helped me a lot." She smiled and said goodbye, leaving the room.

Hours went by and I calmed down and got comfortable on the couch, grabbing a soft blanket Himari got for me, and taking a nap. I woke up to yelling throughout the police station. I immediately knew they got my kidnappers when I heard a death yell and then silence. 

Himari walked in on a startled me and sat down next to me. She looked relieved. "They got them honey, they got em'. " I cried in happiness that they get what they deserve, and hug Himari who hugs me back. I cry into Himari's shoulder as she pets my hair. "It's okay, it's okay, deep breathes." I get away from the hug and wipe my tears off my face. 

"Some people who know you named Kirishima, Mina, and Bakugo came, do you want me to bring them in here?" I looked at here with pure happiness. I shook my head and she left to get them. 

I waited until the door opened to see a red haired boy rush in and tackle me with a hug. He cried in my arms as I hugged him back. "Oi you extra! Don't mess with her, she's been in too much!" Mina and Bakugo walk in and Mina runs to me and joins the group hug. They soon back up and I look over at Bakugo. I smile and tackle him with a hug. "Huh, you got weaker now did you?" He joked. "BAKUGO!" Mina and Kirishima yelled. "I'm n-not weaker you jerk!" I punched him in the gut, leaving him crippling on the floor. I laughed and walked over to Mina and Kirishima. 

"So, c-can you tell us who it was? It's been nagging me since you went missing again." I shook my head and grabbed his hand, showing him. He gasped and his face looked in betrayal and shock, also mixed with distrust. Mina and Bakugo grabbed my hand and had the same reaction, except Bakugo was angry. 

"How... we trusted them...."

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