Innocence the Sin

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Aizawa POV:

Hizashi and I walked to UA and went through the gates. We separated and headed to our own classrooms. As soon as I entered, I could hear the class talking more vividly than usual. I shushed them and they all looked up at me. "Will they find her Aizawa sensei!?" Mina said through sobs. "What do you mean", I asked. Kirishima said," Y/n got kidnapped" he said trying to keep manly.

Just as I was about to speak, the announcement system went on. "All teachers of the board, report to conference room 4 immediately." Nezu said. As the announcement hung up, I exited the class and walked down the hall. I saw Hizashi and came over to him. As we walked, he asked,"Do you think they know?" "Well, we'll find out," I replied as I continued to walk.

As we got to the conference room, we both sat down and waited for everyone to arrive. When everyone arrived, Nexu started to speak. " As you may heard, L/n F/n has gone missing. I've brought you all here to see if you have any information that would be important for the police" I bit my tongue. Those police will never try to take my kitten away!

Everyone one said they saw her last at recovery girl's office, except for Midnight. Midnight said she saw Y/n exit UA and waved bye to her. Midnight looked sad. She then said that Y/n looked a bit off. Just only a little bit though. After the stupid show and tell conference, I headed back to the classroom.

All the kids were in English so I was all alone. Good, it meant I had time to think of what we could teach Y/n that she'd remember.

Hizashi POV:

As I returned, I started class up with 1A. I was so sad that I couldn't see Y/n throughout the day. Even though she made my nose bleed, but that's ok, because soon I'll be back with her and I will punish her for what she did. still I wanted her even more now.

Randomly, in class, Ochako if my nose was ok. "Yeah, I got in a fight with a villain, that all." Which wasn't true at all. "Oh, ok" Ochako said.

Narrator POV:​​​​​​​

School passed and Sho' returned back to the home. When he walked in there, he could sense something was off....

Till next time my little listeners!

Our Song Bird (Aizawa x Mic x reader) +yandere+जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें