XIV - Shot

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A/N: not me tryna finish this book before the end of October (when I delete Wattpad) lmao let's hope I can make it, just a few more chapters left! (And if you're wondering, yes there's some sonadow in this chapter)

Shadow's POV

It had been about a day since I was offered the job, and today I was planning on walking in and accepting the offer.

I nervously stepped into the main G.U.N office center, anticipating what would come. My goal was just to avenge Maria.

There was a tall, black-haired man sitting at the front desk. The entrance had a thick glass security door, and there seemed to be a waiting room. I cleared my throat and walked up to the front desk, although my ears were barely seen. I was too short. I rolled my eyes and used my air shoes to levitate a bit so the man could see me.

"Oh, it's a Mobian..." The man seemed a bit frightened, or perhaps judgemental. He scattered through a few papers before clearing his throat and looking down at me. "How can I help you?" He asked in a slightly shaky voice.

I said nothing and handed him the letter of the job offer I received. He scanned it a bit and the eyes of his widened. "You were offered a position?" The man raised an eyebrow and I nodded slightly, with no change in emotion.

He gulped and picked up the phone that was next to him on the counter. "H-hello? Commander? I have a... Shadow The Hedgehog who came in talking about a job offer he received... Mhm... alright... Thank you, bye." The man talked on the phone for a minute before putting it down and looking back on the desk.

"Okay, you will meet with the Commander. He wants to see you. Like, right now." He told me straight-forward and pointed to an elevator. "His office is on the 10th floor, door A1." He guided me and gave me a map.

"Thank you sir." I said calmly and took the map, going into the elevator and heading straight to the Commander.


About an hour had passed, as the Commanded and I discussed the job, what it would include, and the pay. In the end, I agreed to a 2-month trial contract. That should be enough time for me to strike this Schmitz guy.

I agreed to start working Monday next week, so it would be in 5 days.

Eventually, I left the building with an 'information pamphlet', but I heard the front doors of the building open behind me.

I was about to look back, but I groaned and rolled my eyes when I saw who it was in the corner of my eye. Rouge.

"Well hello, handsome. Did they offer you a job?~" She flew beside me as I was walking out. I tried really hard to look annoyed, even though I didn't think she was that bad.

"Yes. How do you know?" I inquired, still looking ahead of me as I walked step by step.

"They offered me a job too. Looks like we'll be working together again!" She smirked with half-lidded eyes at me. "Soooo... what's with you and Sonic?"

That question completely caught me off guard. If I was drinking water, I would've spat it out. My ears perked up and my eyes widened as I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "W-wha- huh? What are you talking about?" I said, flustered, as I crossed my arms.

"Oh come on, you're acting as if it's not obvious. I've been observing you too. I know there's something going on, so why don't you just spill it?" She smirked sassily, as she stopped flying and started walking beside of me.

"I have no idea what you mean. You are crazy, bat." I scoffed and looked the other way. I did not want to speak about this.

"You can deny it all you want, but I can tell when people have crushes, trust me. My advice is that you tell him as soon as possible. He's a well-known hero with a bunch of fan girls... and boys... plus, I'm pretty sure that Amy girl likes him too." She rambled with her hands held behind her back.

I thought about it for a moment. It was true, he could have anyone he wants with how many fans he has. But then why would he pick me? What would make me special? Plus, he's probably straight. Most likely, he likes Amy too. I sighed and looked down.

"That wasn't supposed to be negative, Emo. You need to focus on the fact that Sonic has been spending a lot of time with you specifically despite meeting you recently. I think he likes you too." She tried to comfort me, rubbing her hand on my back.

"I-" was about to say something before I heard a boom nearby. It seemed like it was in the park. Rouge and I were startled. She turned her sight to me and spoke. "It may be Eggman. I'll let the Commander know." She said before rushing back to the G.U.N office. I was confused as to why the Commander had to know, but I shook it off and sped to the park.

There it was, Sonic, Amy, Foxboy- I mean Tails, and Red Guy. They were battling Eggman. Great. Does this guy ever get a break?

"Well hello there, Shadow! Thanks for joining the party!" Eggman evilly cackled in his Egg-mobile with a wide grin.

"What do you want, Eggman?" Sonic sassily crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. Eggman didn't stop smiling. He was up to something.

"After you so rudely freed Shadow from me, I figured I'd give you all a little payback!" Eggman rubbed his hands together like a goddamn fly.

"Oh yeah, Eggman? We're gonna-" Sonic was speaking, before he was cut off with a tranquilizer dart that was hit in his shoulder.
I noticed that I was hit with one too, and so were Sonic's friends. What happened to plot armor?!

All of us were surprised and I noticed them getting sleepy. Since I am the Ultimate Lifeform, it takes more that one dart to take me out. I rushed and picked up Sonic bridal style, carrying him far away so he wouldn't get taken by Eggman. I took about 5 seconds, and when I came back to get the rest of Sonic's friends, I noticed Eggman already took them.

"Dammit!" I growled with my fists up. Eggman was already far, and I knew I wouldn't be able to rescue Sonic's friends without Sonic himself.
I rushed back to where I took Sonic. I had laid him against a tree in a far away forest where I didn't want Eggman to find him. I walked up to the passed out Sonic and kneeled down in front of him.

This was a big concern, because if Eggman used a human tranquilizer dart, then Sonic might wake up in around a quarter-hour. But if he used an animal tranquilizer dart... then we have a problem.

What the hell do I do now?

WORD COUNT: 1203 (includes A/N)

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