III - Warm Up

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"What was your past like?"

That question made Shadow freeze. Gruesome memories began to flood back into his head.

"Shadow..." Maria cried out to him as they ran down a hall, avoiding the gunshots that were fired... Then a gunshot... and then her lifeless body on the floor.

Shadow hastily opened his eyes with a dramatic gasp as if he had just woken up from a nightmare.

"You ok there, buddy?" Sonic asked in worry for Shadow. He hadn't seen him do this before. But then again, they did just meet.

"I'm alright, don't ask me about my past again, Faker."

"Faker? I think you're the fake hedgehog around here! This is what I get for trying to be nice!" Sonic waved his hands in the air in frustration, and stood up.

"I still don't know why you're working for Eggman. A skill like yours could save the world." Sonic complimented and smirked, causing the black hedgehog to turn away in a flustered manner.

"I am saving the world. From you." Shadow rolled his eyes at the blue hedgehog and got up, starting to walk around the room.

"Hah, very funny. You do know Eggman is the bad guy here right?" Sonic half joked and was half serious.

"Eggman told me you're the evil one. We are the good guys." He crossed his arms, moody and glancing away from the trapped hedgehog.

"Ahahaha! Ahah, ha... that's very funny. But seriously, why are you on Eggman's side?" There was an aura of awkward silence present in the room. That was until realization hit.

"Oh... you're not joking." Sonic's voice low and quiet... once again sitting on the floor of the cell. "Shadow, he's manipulating you. He's not the good guy, we are! Didn't you hear him mention earlier about conquering the world and building an evil theme park? Open up your ears!" Sonic grabbed onto two bars of the cell and started rocking back and forth in aggression.

Shadow said nothing, instead, he stopped in his tracks and peered to the opposite side of the cell, his thoughts suffocating him. A loud and overwhelmed sigh was heard from Sonic which made Shadow's left ear perk up.

"Listen... if YOU'RE not going to listen, could I at least get a bigger cell? I'm starting to feel claustrophobic here! This cell is like three feet! I cant deal with it anymore! And can I please just have a bed... and food! So I don't freaking die?!" Sonic cried out in desperation, which was then received by a growl from Shadow.

"Would you shut up! I will call Eggman for you, Just! Shut! Up!" Shadow held his ears in annoyance and then clicked a few buttons on his wrist communicator.

Not long passes before Eggman walks in with a dramatic entrance. "Shadow... you sent for me?" Eggman held his hands behind his back and tilted his head sideways.

"Sonic has demands. Or... requests. Nah, complaints." He stepped away to see how Eggman would respond.

"What do you want Sonic?" Eggman growled in annoyance. Wow. Shadow and Eggman had some similarities. "Well, Egghead, I just wanted a bigger-not-so-claustrophobic cell and a bed. Oh also, feed me you overgrown bunion! You may hate me but I'm starving!" Sonic begged.

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