V - Getting Used To

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A/N: I am so sorry this chapter took so long to release. I'm so sorry the chapter is so short. Some family complications came up and then my cat died, and it's taken a big toll on me but I finally was able to write it.

"Ok. Fine."

Shadow had finally agreed to meeting Sonic's friends - Tails, Amy, and Knuckles. Although nervous, he complied.

"Yay, you'll love them! Let's go!" Sonic yanked Shadow by the hand and ran off with him. Within 3 seconds, they made it Sonic and Tails' house.

"Hey look, I think they're all in here!" Sonic peeked through the window, noticing the group to have worried expressions plastered on their faces, their heads low.

"I think they're worried about me." Sonic tilted his head temporarily and rushed to knock on the door. Tails' ears perked up and in a rush, he opened the door. His smile widened until he noticed Shadow.

"Sonic! Are you aware the enemy's behind you?!" He grabbed an invention of his with the appearance of a gun from behind his back and pointed it at the black hedgehog. Shadow didn't react, a blank expression on his face as if he was used to things like this.

"N-no! No, no! He's nice now!" Sonic stepped in between the two with his hands up, shocking the yellow fox.

"W-what? Him? He's the one who lured you in for Eggman to capture you!" Tails argued, aiming his machine face down to the floor.

"W-well... yes, but he was just misunderstood!" Sonic mumbled and whispered into Tails' ear. "Eggman tricked him, he's actually a nice guy!" Sonic wrapped his arm around Shadow's neck.

"Don't touch me."

"Right, sorry."

Tails looked... bamboozled to say the least. "Well, alright. If you say so. I'm just glad you're safe, Sonic." He escaped the path of the doorway for the two to enter.

Sonic walked in first, Shadow following after taking a deep breath.

"Sonic! You're back!" Amy ran up to hug Sonic, squeezing the life out of him. He nervously pat her on the back. "Yes, yes, Amy I'm okay."

She giggled and pulled away from Sonic before noticing Shadow, who was awkwardly standing there, not knowing what to say. Amy's expression swiftly shifted.

"What is he doing here?! Sonic!" She yelled, slowly taking out her Piko Piko Hammer, ready to attack.

"No, Amy it's okay, he's good now!" Sonic defended, anxious of her response. Amy stared at him in disbelief. "W-what?"

"Give us a second, guy." Amy fake-smiled in Shadow's direction as she pulled Sonic away farther into the house. "Sonic, I don't think we can trust him. Look at him! He looks so evil! With his... highlights! And... black fur! And... his face!" She was freaking out over Sonic befriending Shadow.

"Amy, that's mean. We don't know him that well! We only met him once, and I talked to him! In fact, he's the one who let me out!" Sonic responded, annoyed of Amy's attitude.

Meanwhile, Shadow could hear the whole thing and simply rolled his eyes at the pink hedgehog. He already knew he wasn't going to like her.

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