I - Project Shadow

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"That blue rat has always managed to foil my plans, but not this time. This time will be different." Eggman dictated, the fingers of his swirling as his hands closed together.

"What are you going to do, sir?" Cubot inquired, tilting the head of his to the left. Eggman spun his seat to face the two robots.

"Easy. All I need to do is hack into G.U.N's system, and find their top secret files. I know there is something valuable in there. I'm sure of it." Eggman marveled in his own excitement.

So that he did. He went on to hack into G.U.N's files. "Hm, all we need is a password. Luckily, I invented a plug-in that will insert it for me. Things are going just well for me today." He shot his devious grin and carefully picked the plug-in device between his fingers.

The plug-in did as so and automatically inserted the password. The password shocked Eggman. "Maria? My... late cousin?" He mumbled. "Why would she be the password?"

Fear and curiousity struck Eggman as he hesitantly pressed 'Enter', unaware of what would appear. As he skimmed through the information, his eyes widened.

"Project Shadow!"


Chapter I

"According to the coordinates, this is where Project Shadow lies." Eggman ordered his robot to smash the barrier to reach his desired location.

The complex robot smashed the metal gate open, enabling the alarms of the building.

"Argh... that stupid alarm!" Eggman rushed over to the capsule that seemed to hold a shadowy figure in the ice coated glass.

"I can't wait!" Eggman squeals like a little girl, his feet tip-toeing one by one. The robots he brought along disabled the alarm sound and destroyed any humans that came by. Eggman had a lot of trust in his robots to protect him.

"According to the file, this should wake it up." He clicked on a red button placed onto the left side of the capsule. No more than five seconds later, the glass splits into two, fog escaping the tube. Project Shadow had been awaken.

"Ooh-hoo-hoo! It worked!" The scientist cheered, clapping his little hands together.

Shadow rose up out of the fallen capsule, the same one he was shot down to Earth with. Now Eggman knew he could finally receive a chance against Sonic The Hedgehog, his arch-nemesis.


The notorious supervillain brought Shadow to his lair, touring him inside all of his 10,000 sq ft. base. He ended the tour in the final area, the main work room. An alarm from the watch tied to Eggman's wrist went off.

"Argh, someone's at the front gate. I hope it's not Sonic." He growled, walking his way to the front gate.

"Who's Sonic?" Shadow questioned the scientist. Eggman stopped in his path and returned to the ebony hedgehog.

"Ah, right. I haven't told you about him. Let's just say... he's a hedgehog, as yourselves, and he's evil. Him and his pesky friends you should avoid getting close to them. They are pure evil. And we are the good side. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to see who our unexpected guest is. Be prepared to attack." Eggman explained, and Shadow nodded.

Waiting at the door was an impatient white bat, covered in a black body suit with a pink heart chestplate, accompanied with some white gloves and boots with hearts. Rouge, Rouge the Bat.

Eggman opened the front gate, surprised to see a mobian he didn't recognize.

"Who are you? Don't tell me you're a friend of Sonic!" Eggman worried, ready to press a button on his mobile watch named 'Attack'.

"I'm Rouge, Rouge the Bat. I don't work with Sonic, I work alone. Although, I came by to see if you wanted to work out some sort of deal..." she trailed off, checking at her flawless gloves.

"What sort of deal?"

"Gee, I don't know... I could help you with whatever battle you have going on against Sonic, for a price. You know, something that benefits the both of us."

"I don't need you, I have Shadow now!" Eggman laughed in the bat's face while Rouge simply rolled her eyes.

"I think you seriously underestimate me. You, me, and whoever this Shadow person is could easily take Sonic down. I'm just as powerful, if not more." She argued, flying a foot above ground.

"So you can fly, nothing special! My robots can do that!" Eggman chuckled to himself, Rouge getting annoyed quickly. She had an idea.

"Test me." She suggested, Eggman laughing to himself. But he did as she requested and pressed 'Attack' on his mobile watch. Robots spawned in front of Robotnik, Rouge getting prepared in a fighting stance. And with that, she successfully and quickly sliced through and head-kicked all of the robots, destroying them.

He stood there with his hands behind his back, shocked and impressed. "Well I must say I underestimated you... what deal did you want to work out?"

"I'll work for you... and we can defeat whoever you'd like. As long as you help me out with something. I want the Master Emerald. If we become partners, sooner or later, you have to help me retrieve it from that handsome echidna." Rouge offered, and Eggman thought about it.


Of course, he wasn't actually going to help her out. Instead, Eggman would just take the Emerald for himself. But that's plainly obvious, who'd expect an evil supervillain to do evil supervillain things?

"Come inside, Rouge, was it?" He pushed her in by the back as the doors automatically closed behind them.

"Rouge, meet Shadow. Shadow, meet Rouge. You'll both be working with each other." The egg-shaped man grinned ear to ear.

Rouge stuck out her hand to shake that of Shadow's, which Shadow hesitantly did so. Shadow wasn't exactly the friendly type - and he wasn't expecting to be too friendly around this bat.

"Who are you?" Shadow asked the bat, in which the bat just squinted in confusion at him.

"I'm Rouge, I thought that was clear."

"No, I mean, where do you come from? And how do we know you aren't a trick?" The matte black hedgehog circled around the bat mysteriously.

"I'm Rouge the Bat, I'm a treasure hunter which means I'm excellent at stealth, and if anyone needs to be questioned here it's you." Rouge whispered the last part into Shadow's ear. "Ahaha, but I'm being serious. I haven't seen you around before, are you Sonic's friend?"

"No. I have never met this Sonic. You have not seen me around because I have been in a state of suspended animation for approximately 50 years." He stated, hopeful for the bat to quit the questions.

"You haven't met Sonic?... Oh, well you're in for a treat!" She giggled at the thought of how annoying Sonic was, looking forward to their first interaction.

"Ahem, anyways, I think it's time for battle!" Eggman excitedly stepped unto the front gate. "Now let's go get them!"



Honestly I'm kinda scared to start this fanfic, let's hope I can finish it soon so I don't end up having it deleted...

Anyway so sorry there isn't any sonadow I just needed to add the introductory chapter of course I swear on my life starting next chapter there will be some

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