Chapter 14 - Keeper of Fire

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A/N: hi how y'all doing?
Like three chapters almost back to back here
Gotta love it when it tells you that you spelled a word wrong when it's just a character name 👺


Galaxy stared at Aferno, his chest burning from the smoke of the fire. Aferno's gaze flicked from Galaxy to Lexi.

"Aferno, you have to help us get out of here." Galaxy asked the tall Phoenix-fox.
Aferno shook her head.

"I cannot do anything in the living world anymore, but I can guide her." Aferno looked pointedly at Lexi.

"Lexi...?" Galaxy stared at Lexi, she had caused the fire in a state of anger, he didn't know how. Aferno walked over to Lexi, her paws touching the ground so lightly she seemed to almost float.
Galaxy stared at the two, Aferno lifted up Lexi's arm with one of her forelegs. She whispered something in Lexi's ear that Galaxy couldn't make out. Lexi closed her eyes and seemed to have calmed. Lexi opened her eyes, one of her pupils was glowing a reddish-orange color, suddenly, the fire in front of them parted and made a clear path. Galaxy stared at the path and then at Lexi in astonishment.

"Follow." Aferno said shortly. She walked into the path. Galaxy and Lexi followed, the fire around them burned in his eyes and lungs but he kept going. He glanced at Lexi, she seemed just as surprised and confused as he was. They finally reached the end of the forest and Galaxy was relieved to feel the clear air reach his lungs. Aferno turned away from them, fading away until she was gone.
Galaxy looked at Lexi.

"How did you—" He was cut of by a low screeching sound coming from the forest, soon after, a black figure on four legs with red eyes and horn-like ears came out from the flaming forest. Galaxy froze as he realized it looked just like the thing Orbit had described that had chased her.
Then everything made sense.

"Lexi's one of the four!"

"Lexi's one of the four..."

"Oh, no."
The creature let out another screech before charging at them. Lexi pushed Galaxy out of the way as it barley missed them. It turned around again, staring at them with its hateful red eyes.

"Can't you do any like... fire power crap?!" Galaxy asked Lexi.
The creature charged again.

"I don't know how!" Lexi yelled, panicked.
They jumped out of the way again, but this time the creature managed to throw a hit to Lexi with its long, sharp, claws. Lexi screeched as blood welled up around a cut on her arm. The creature reared up on them getting ready to swipe a hard blow at Lexi.

"NO." Galaxy shouted, his eyes turned a light blue with white pupils and his voice seemed like a mix between two people as he sent out some kind of surge of energy and the creature tumbled backwards.

Galaxy's eyes went back to normal and he stared at the creature as it got up again and stared at Galaxy, fear sparking in its gaze

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Galaxy's eyes went back to normal and he stared at the creature as it got up again and stared at Galaxy, fear sparking in its gaze.

"Leave." He growled. The creature let out a final, angry screech before it faded away.

"Now, what was that about?!" Lexi asked, shocked.

"I could ask you the same thing." Galaxy chuckled, wearily. "Gosh, I have so much to tell you."


"Why do we have to wait for Orbit?" Lexi asked, growing impatient.

"Because she has something to do with this." Galaxy responded. A few moments later Orbit came running inside.

"What happened?! Why is there people setting a forest fire out?! Why'd you call me here?!" Orbit threw out the concerned questions at Galaxy.

"Calm down." Galaxy answered. "We've found one of the four."

The what? Lexi was confused.

"Wait, really? Who is it?" Orbit's ears twitched impatiently. Galaxy pointed at Lexi.

"Lexi's one of the four?!" Orbit shouted louder than she should of.

"Yes! Keep your voice down." Galaxy urged.

"Say what now?" Lexi asked, her confusion growing.

"There's a lot to explain." Galaxy murmured before explaining. He explained to her what the four is. He what the fifth is and how she is one of the four.

"Wait, so Orbit's one of the four, which one is she?" Lexi asked after Galaxy finished explaining.

"Keeper of Water." Orbit answered with a touch of pride to her voice.

"Oh, I guess I'm Keeper of Fire." Lexi muttered before adding. "Definitely after I ended up setting the entire forest on fire..." she chuckled nervously.

"You did what." Orbit asked, shocked. "I couldn't even use my powers until Kantun showed me how and I still can't get the hang of it."

"I get it why you wouldn't tell me any of this..." Lexi murmured.

"It's not that I thought you couldn't handle it, Lexi." Galaxy muttered. "It's that I can barley handle it myself."

"You still haven't told me how that happened." Lexi gestured to Galaxy's ripped ear. He stiffened.

"Oh, it's that bad, huh?" Lexi tilted her head.

"This... didn't have anything to do with the four." He answered.

"Then what was it?" Orbit asked. "We promised no more lies."

"I haven't lied about this it just hasn't been brought up until today..." He glanced at the ground uneasily.

"It's okay, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Lexi told him.

"Thanks." Galaxy looked at her, relief flashing in his expression.

"Hey, we still haven't told Orbit about what you did." Lexi realized. Galaxy seemed to have forgotten too.

"What?" Orbit asked. Galaxy went into an explanation about the fight with the creature. Lexi got up and looked out the window.

"This is so much to take in..." she muttered to herself. One thing was certain though, they had to find the other two of the four, whoever they were.


"How can you fail to complete such a simple task?" A low growl sounded through the dark, dead forest.

"My king, it wasn't that simple." Another voice was heard.

"Then what was it?!" The low growl sounded from a dark grey, four legged wolf with a red hair tuft, horns, and a pointed tail with red spiked along his back and tail.

"We've located the fifth, and he's managed to release some of his power." The voice responded, fearfully, coming from a black figure with red eyes. The grey wolf stared thoughtfully.

"The fifth, huh?" They muttered. "Get out of my sight, do not return unless you have captured the fifth."

"Yes, Shadow King."

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