Chapter 13 - The burning forest

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"No.. no, you're lying." Galaxy stared at Echo, horrified.

"I'm afraid I'm not." He answered. He circled around Galaxy.

"You know that there are evil forces coming, yet you still do nothing about it." He growled.

"We're trying!" Galaxy spoke.

"You're not doing anything." He sneered. "You're just sitting around and waiting for something to happen."

"We're trying to find the other three."

"Of course, it's always about the four isn't it? That stupid prophecy isn't going to do anything." He stopped circling Galaxy and stared intently into his eyes.

"I can help you" he insisted.

"I don't need help from you." Galaxy pinned his ears back. Echo turned away, his sharp-ended tail lashing back and forth.

"You do though, and you'll see that someday." He said in a menacing voice before disappearing.
Galaxy stood there, staring at the spot where Echo disappeared, before his gaze flicked over towards the window.

"We have to find the other three, and fast."


Orbit stood in the middle of an empty field, dead trees surrounded it and a river run right through the middle.

"Why here?" She asked.

"No one around, it's safe here." A sharp voice in the back of her mind spoke. Suddenly the shape of Kantun appeared, half transparent, in front of her.

"Woah." She stared.

"Yeah, woah." They answered.

"So, when do we start?" She asked. They were in the middle of the field because Kantun had summoned her to train her powers, yet she didn't know why.

"Now." They responded.

"Okay... what do I do?" She shifted her self uncomfortably. Kantun walked to her side on all four legs, almost seeming like they were floating. They straightened up again and looked at Orbit.

"Focus on the land, trees, and river." They spoke. "Imagine all the energy flowing out of them and into your body." They grabbed her arm with one of their paw-like-hands and straightened it to face in front of her.

"Focus on any object in front of you, take all that energy in side you and push it into the palm of your hand."
Orbit suddenly felt a jolt of energy ripple through her and felt it travel down her arm into her hand where her paw pad was.

"Focus." Kantun said shortly.
Orbit focused on a tree in front of her, her arm started trembling.
Kantun grabbed her arm with their massive paws, their gentle grip steadying her arm.

"Steady." They spoke.

"Now let the energy go, flowing into the direction of that object." They let go of her arm and backed away. Orbit closed her eyes, inhaled deeply, and then released the energy from her hand. She felt herself jerk back, and opened her eyes to see a ball of blue, liquid-like, energy flowing into the direction of the tree she was focused on, then it hit the tree, sending it crashing backwards into the river. Orbit gaped and then leaped into the air letting out a yowl of surprise mixed with joy.

"That was awesome! Let's do that again!"


Lexi leaned against her bedroom door, annoyance prickled through her.

"Why does Galaxy have to be so secretive?"

She opened her bedroom door again, Leela was gone and Galaxy was staring at the window as if he'd seen a ghost.

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