Chapter 1 - unknown voice

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A/N: heyo I'm bored and have nothing better to do with my life besides write a book about my main oc ✨ anyway here's a chapter

2 years later, 8:00AM Monday, Galaxy's POV.

Galaxy, now a transgender male, rolled over opening his eyes to the light shining through his window. Asher had gotten custody of Galaxy so he had been living with them since his mom had died. Lexi had grown to be his best friend and was an orphan as well which was why she was also living with Asher. Asher is currently on one of their mission doing whatever they do so Galaxy had been left in charge since he was the oldest. Galaxy was now 14 and Lexi was 12.
Lexi opened her door.

"Mornin' Galaxy!" Lexi said cheerfully as usual.
Galaxy just groaned in response and rolled over accidentally falling of his bed.

"Oof, are you okay?" Lexi asked trying to hold back her laughter.
Galaxy got up.

"Yup, fine."
Galaxy walked into the kitchen.

"Oh and Asher told me to remind you it's Monday since you keep losing your sense of time." Lexi said awkwardly.

"OH CRAP." Galaxy rushed into his room and changed into his T-shirt and put his hoodie over it. He grabbed his backpack and rushed out again. "Lexi come on we're gonna be late for school!" Galaxy grabbed Lexi's arm and ran out of the house. He must've got lucky because just then the bus pulled up.

"Oh thank Spirit." Galaxy sighed and got into the bus with Lexi. Galaxy sat in the back seat but before Lexi could sit next to him she was tripped by one of the kids.

"ACK." Lexi fell face-first. Galaxy stood up and rushed over to Lexi.

"Are you okay?" Galaxy asked.

"Yep I'm fine." Lexi stood up. Galaxy glanced at the kid that tripped Lexi, who was a golden retriever anthropomorphic. Galaxy snarled, baring his teeth. The kid didn't respond to that and just kept the smug look on their face. Galaxy walked back over to the seat and sat down, Lexi sitting next to him.

Galaxy opened his locker and just ignored the stupid drawing from one of the bullies in it, ripping it off and throwing it aside.
He heard footsteps behind her.

"Hey, One eye." The voice behind him spoke.
Galaxy rolled his eyes and turned around to face Volt, a grey-fox anthro with bright purple eyes and a purple streak in her hair, Volt was what he liked to call a bitch.

"What do you want Volt." Galaxy grumbled.

"Aw, why so feisty, Wolff?"
(A/N: Wolff is Galaxy's last name)

"Because I've got you bothering me like a twig stuck in my fur."
Volt laughed.

"So stupid. This is why your mother left you."
Galaxy immediately got defensive.

"She didn't leave me." Galaxy growled.

"Whatever, at least she's in the spirit forest instead of having to deal with you." Volt said. the spirit forest was a place where people who passed away went who did good on earth, the opposite of the shadowed forest. Galaxy was on the verge of tackling the vixen in the face but Lexi stepped in between them.

"Volt, leave him alone." Lexi's ears flattened.

"Oh if it isn't the not-so-wolf." Volt teased.
Lexi was teased for her odd fur color and was part wolf, a folf, as it was called. Just another reason for volt to be a jerk.

"Shut it." Lexi growled.

"What a mood killer." Volt rolled her eyes and walked away.

I'm gonna kill her. Galaxy thought, being half-serious.

"You didn't have to do that Lexi." Galaxy said.

"I know," Lexi turned to Galaxy.
"But I wanted to." Lexi walked off.


Galaxy walked into the gym with Lexi. They were doing his least favorite activity, Dodge ball. Galaxy glanced at Lexi who was staring into the distance at one of the kids, Kirogii.

There she goes being her gay love-sick self. Galaxy thought amusingly.

"Don't worry about me Lexi you can go over to her again today." Galaxy spoke startling Lexi.

"How did you- ok- thanks!" Lexi ran off toward Kirogii. Galaxy walked over to one of the benches and sat down. just then he heard a familiar voice.

"Heyo Galax-ayyy." Galaxy whirled around to see one of his friends, Orbit. Orbit was a white and cyan anthro wolf that had been out of school due to having a bad fever.

"ORBIT!" Galaxy rushed over to her and hugged his friend.

"I see you missed me." Orbit laughed and hugged Galaxy back. Galaxy backed up and looked at Orbit.

"You've been out of school for awhile it was almost like you were dead." Galaxy joked.

"Nope, still alive." Orbit responded. Galaxy got startled by a whistle and realized the activity was starting.

"Ugghh." Galaxy groaned before walking off.

Galaxy and Lexi were now home, Galaxy opened the door and flopped on the couch. Lexi closed the door behind her and sat down next to her.

"I hate P.E." Galaxy said muffled.

"So did you talk to your girlfriendddd??" Galaxy teased friendlily.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Lexi responded.

"Haha sure okay." Galaxy got up and walked to the kitchen. He grabbed a pan from the cabinet and walked over to the sink. Suddenly a bolt of pain shot through his spine and he hissed dropping the pan. Lexi rushed into the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" She asked, concerned.
Galaxy inhaled and stood up straight again.

"I don't know but I'm fine." Galaxy grabbed the pan off the floor.

"Are you sure?" Lexi asked, not convinced.

Lexi sighed knowing she wouldn't get any other answer and walked out of the kitchen.
Galaxy was filling the pan with water before his entire body froze and she heard a distorted, low pitched voice in his head.

"I live at last."

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