Chapter 6 - Friends?

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(Indeed 2 chapters in one day to make up for not updating in awhile)

It was the same as always.
Galaxy was running through a dark void trying to find a way out. He kept running until the ground once again cracked into a pool of stars and his own reflection.

"What do you want?!" He asked desperately.
As always his reflection shifted into that pure white anthro but something was off. There was a bit of black void covering its face as it stared back at him. He stepped back confused and wanting to wake up. He saw a red glow coming from behind him and turned around to see a red and orange fox with phoenix wings and immediately recognized it from way back.

When he was 12.

"You... who are you?" He asked, starting to tremble.

"As I've said before that is not important but you must listen." It stepped forward until it was face to face with him.

"Your troubles are far from over. The past will find you and you must find the four. Become the fifth and restrain the monster of the Key Soul."

"T-the four? Key Soul? What do you mean?!" He asked in a panicked voice but he was not answered and the fox started to walk away as it faded.

"The four are with you. you just need to look hard enough."

"W-wait! Don't go!" Galaxy ran after it but it soon was completely faded. He was trembling heavily by then. The grounded started to shake and crack sending him falling into a pool of stars, breathless.

Galaxy woke up, breathing heavily and sweating. He clutched his chest trying to calm himself, thoughts spinning in his head.

"Galaxy? Are you okay?" Lexi was standing at her bedroom doorway.

"I-I'm fine. Just a bad dream." Galaxy stuttered, though he was still trembling. He inhaled deeply and got up, walking past Lexi and into the living room. He grabbed his phone and sat on the couch, seeing a message from Leela.

Leela: "hiiiii! I'm coming over you can't stop me >:)"

He texted back.

Galaxy: "ight."

He got up off the couch going into his room and changing into his baggy dark gray hoodie and ripped jeans. He went into the kitchen and made himself a cup off coffee scrolling through the random posts on his phone. He thought she saw the figure of the Phoenix-Fox out of the corner of his eye and gasped, accidentally dropping his cup and it shattered on the floor. He turned and saw it wasn't there.

"Oh my god, are you okay? You seem really jumpy this morning." Lexi asked as she walked into the kitchen.
Galaxy shook his head.

I must be going crazy.

"I'm fine Lexi." Galaxy spoke, trying to keep his voice steady. He sighed and picked up the broken glass on the floor, throwing it in the trash can. He heard the door bell and guessed it must be Leela. He went and opened the door but instead it was Orbit, Skull, and a gray and red anthropomorphic cat he didn't know.

"Hi, Galaxy." Orbit said.

"Hi Orbit. What brings you here?" He asked.

"Just wanted to visit and introduce you to a new friend. This is Raven." She pointed at the anthropomorphic cat standing next to Skull.

"Hello!" He said in a friendly tone.

"Hello. Come on in guys." Galaxy stepped back from the door letting them in. They sat down on the couch and introduced Raven to Lexi. Galaxy sat down on the other end of the couch, getting comfortable.

"Hey... so, Uhm, Galaxy I need to talk to you about something." Orbit said nervously before she started to explain her encounter with the weird creature at her house.

"And then it said something weird like... 'we will catch the four.' Or something like that..."
Galaxy stiffened as he recalled the words spoken from the Phoenix-Fox about 'The Four'.

"I-I-" Galaxy stuttered.

"Have you... Heard of it?" Orbit noticed the change in Galaxy's expression.
He nodded.

"I- I had this dream last night... there was this thing... and it mentioned something about the four..." He explained. Orbit listened with a confused and concerned expression.

"I wonder what it all means..." She mumbled half to herself. Galaxy heard the doorbell again and got up to answer it.

"Must be Leela." He said. He opened the door to see Leela standing there.

"I'm here! Oh, hi Orbit! And Skull! And random person I don't know!" She said seeing the others on the couch. Galaxy let her inside and sat down on the couch next to her.

"H-hi!" Raven greeted her seeming nervous for some reason Galaxy didn't know. "I'm Raven!"

"Nice to meet you! I'm Leela!" She said in a cheerful tone. "So what's up guys?"
Galaxy looked at Orbit to see if it's okay to tell her. But Orbit shook her head. Galaxy guessed she didn't want to involve Leela in this too.

"Oh, not much just school and stuff." Galaxy said, in the most convincing voice he could.

"Oh, ok!" Leela seemed to believe her. "So, Orbit, I see you have a boyfriend~" she teased.

"Hush, you." Orbit laughed. "I can say that you have a boyfriend as well~" she glanced at Galaxy teasingly. Galaxy stiffened, his face heating up.

"N-No I don't!" Leela said nervously. "You know I can't find anyone anyways for the love of Spirit Lord." She chuckled.

"Mhm~" Orbit teased. Raven seemed to go silent at that.

"Hey, you good bro?" Skull asked.

"Yup!" Raven seemed to regain his cheerful tone.
The room went silent for what seemed like awhile before Orbit broke the tension.

"Oh shoot my dads want me to come home for a..." she put finger quotes in the air "'family dinner'" she got up.

"Ok, see ya later!" Leela called as she walked out the door.

"We're gonna go too." Skull said and him and Raven left too. Leela looked at Galaxy awkwardly.

"So... how've you been?" Leela said nervously.

"That's all you've gotta say?" Galaxy said teasingly.

"Maybe it is." She teased back, sticking her tongue out. Galaxy grabbed her tongue jokingly and Leela's face went red. Galaxy let go and Leela hid her face in her hands.

"Stupid furball..." Leela mumbled. Galaxy chuckled.

"Someone shy?" Galaxy teased. Leela looked at Galaxy her face still a bright red.

"No! Never!" She said, nervously.


"Shut up!"

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