14. Unauthorised contact

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Penelope Garcia is not a patient person. She has made that very clear to anyone who would be willing to listen. Another week had passed since Y/N went back to the training program and stopped being the BAU's Probationary Agent. Penelope was basically desperate to see her friend. She knew that she wouldn't be able to wait 4 weeks to see Y/N. Penelope wasn't 100 percent okay with not seeing her friend every day after she graduates, but if she didn't join the BAU, Penelope would be forced to only see Y/N when they both weren't working.

She knew for a fact that if she asked Hotch to let her see Y/N, she'd be denied. It was technically against the rules for a cadet to make contact with anyone - FBI or otherwise - outside the program.


Paperwork was extremely boring. The amount of procrastination that I did was somewhat unacceptable. If anyone from the team - more specifically Hotch - walked in on me right now, I'd surely get in trouble for choosing to watch kitten videos over accessing important files for my reports. Eventually, I clicked off the kitten videos and actually focused on my work. The last thing I needed was Hotch getting angry with me.

After 2 hours of pure work and nothing else, I carried myself through the BAU office, making my way through the bullpen and up to Hotch's office.

"Here's all the paperwork from the past 3 weeks." I smiled, putting a pile of papers and files on his desk.

"Thanks, Garcia. I'll let you know if you missed anything. Go home, get some rest." Hotch insisted.

I nodded and walked out of his office and back through the bullpen. I looked back at the bullpen, imagining Y/N working alongside the team, and it made me miss her more. At that moment, my objective for the day suddenly changed. Instead of heading home to relax and calm down, I calmly walked back to my office, and sat at my chair, taking a moment to really think about what I was going to do. If I were to remain here any longer, I would be breaking the rules in order to feed my urge to see Y/N again.

I decided for one last confirmation of my future actions.

"10...9...8...7..." I spoke.

"6...5...4...3..." I continued.

"2...1...STAY." I counted before saying the first word that popped into my head.

Without any more hesitation, I popped on my headset and did the last thing I imagined myself doing. I went onto the FBI Academy Training Program system and found Y/N's room number. I got out of the system and made sure to erase all of my activity from the past hour, so that I wouldn't get in trouble.

Once I knew I was safe, I got out a pen and paper, starting to write a note for Y/N.

Cadet Y/L/N, Room Number 24.

I need to see you. I'm not a patient person and I know that you're technically not allowed to see me, so I thought that a letter might be better.

I miss you so much. There is a possibility that you won't be placed with the BAU after you graduate, which worries me. And, as much as I would love to use my skills to guarantee you a place within the BAU, I promised Hotch that I wouldn't interfere with the director and the Brass' decision.

On the bright side, everyone else misses you. JJ, Derek and Prentiss miss the jokes you told. Rossi misses the recipes that you gave him. Hotch misses how all of your paperwork was always early.

I think out of everyone, Spencer misses you the most, but he won't tell me why. He won't tell anyone why he misses you. I have tried to ask him and find out, but I guess the reason for him missing you will remain unknown.

Just know that we're all hoping for you to be placed with us. We know that you'd be perfect within the BAU, and we just hope that no one takes you from us.

Good luck with the rest of the program and we can't wait to hear from the director about you joining the BAU!

-P. Garcia.

I folded the paper and placed it in an envelope. I found Anderson and gave it to him, explaining that the letter was to remain a secret.


You got back from another day of training. You were 4 weeks away from graduating, and you couldn't wait. As you headed back to your room, you saw that something was sticking out from the little shelf on the room door that held all the notes and letters that were sent to the cadets in the room. You lifted the one letter and walked inside, thinking that Spencer had contacted you again, although it was unusual, considering he had sent you a letter only 2 days ago.

That's when you saw the signature. P. Garcia. You smiled. Quickly opening the letter, you saw her writing. You read through everything that she had written and every word that registered in your brain caused tears to form in your eyes. You missed Penelope as much as she missed you.

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