chapter 12 !

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Delilah's POV !

"So what kinda dress are you looking for you," Maude asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I have no clue. I wanna wear something cute but I don't wanna show off too much, you know? Something cute and simple."

"Okay.. that should be easy to find."


I look at my phone screen and see that Alisha texted me. I jump up from excitement because I haven't talked to her in so long.


what are you doing today
we haven't hung out in forever and i was wondering if you wanted to do something

i'm going shopping with maude bc i'm going on a cute little date tmrw night
wanna join us??

yea sure i'd love to
is maude ok with that??

yea i'm sure she'll be fine with it
we're heading over to the mall rn so just text me when you get there

ok cool
i'll probably be there in like 10mins

ok see you


"Hey, I invited Alisha to join us today. Is that okay," I asked.

Maude nodded her head and said, "Yeah of course! I love her."

I smiled and thanked her. I press shuffle on my Taylor Swift playlist and the song Red came on. We both looked to each other and smiled. Once she started singing, we started singing with her.


We're walking around the mall trying to find stores with cute dresses. We've been here for 20mins and so far nothing. We've been in a couple stores but they didn't have anything that really caught my attention.

"Lilah," I hear someone yell.

I turn around and see Alisha walking towards us. I smile widely and start running towards her. Once I reach her, we immediately hug each other tight.

"Lisha! Oh my god, I've missed you so much," I say.

We finally let go of each other and laugh. I really have missed her. We've texted and FaceTime a lot but we haven't actually hung out in forever. So it was nice to see her again and hug her. Maude catches up to us and hugs Alisha too.

"I've missed you too! So.. have you guys found anything yet," she asked.

"We've only been to two stores but nothing. There were cute dress but cute not enough," Maude says.

I nod my head and Alisha laughs. She grabs both of our arms and starts directing to stores. We eventually stop in front of a store with a bunch of dresses and immediately head in there.

Every dress that I thought was cute, Alisha would throw it into my arms. I was definitely holding at least ten dresses. I had to stop her from giving anymore to me. I tried on every single dress and they were cute but.. something was off. Like they just didn't click with me, you know. Maude and Alisha liked every dress I wore but they agreed with me saying that they just weren't the one.

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