chapter 10 !

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Delilah's POV !

Cody and I had finished our pizzas. Music is playing in the background and now we're sitting on his couch talking. At first it was about random stuff but then we started getting into our past relationships. I was a little uncomfortable talking about this with him especially but I guess it's best to get this conversation out of the way already.

"So what happened with you and Jack? Obviously you guys broke up. But like why," Cody asked facing me.

Jack and I decided not to tell the public why we broke up. People had their assumptions, some were correct, but most just thought that we fell out of love. Which is what we wanted.

"Well.. uh.. he cheated on me," I said turning towards him.

His mouth hung open and he said, "No fucking way! Is he stupid?"

I let out an airy laugh and say, "Yeah, I know right? Crazy."

"I remember seeing stuff about you guys online. I followed Jack so I'd see the stuff he'd post of you guys. You two seemed like the perfect couple."

"Yeah, that's what everyone said. Obviously we weren't perfect, but I thought we were great. I thought we fit together pretty good. I guess Jack thought otherwise..."

I frowned a little bit

"How long were you guys together for?"

"Two years."

"Holy shit! Two years?"


"That's a long time."

I laughed and said, "Yeah, I guess it is..."

I went quiet after that last sentence. I looked down and started playing with the promise ring Jack gave me that I refused to take off. Cody noticed my sudden silence.

"Is everything okay?"

I sighed and looked up at him. When I looked in his eyes, I saw that he genuinely looked worried. I thought it was cute how much he seemed to care.

aw sweet

"It's just.. we were together for so long. We talked about having a future together. He said he was gonna marry me one day. And then I catch him cheating on me. It just sucks, you know?"

Cody stays quiet. He turns his body so he's sitting regularly on the couch. I scoot closer to him and grab his hand. He intertwined our fingers.

He looks up at me and I ask, "Are you okay?"

"It does suck," he says.


"Getting cheated on. In high school, I dated this girl. We were together from freshman year to junior year. Then senior year came around and
all of a sudden guys started noticing her more. I mean it made sense because at the time she was just... wow! But it absolutely sucked because a bunch of guys were hitting on her, knowing that she had a boyfriend. And I guess before me, no guys really liked her and no guys really noticed her. So when she suddenly got all this male attention, I guess it got to her head a little..."

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