chapter 7 !

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Delilah's POV !

I finished explaining everything to Maude. Her mouth was open and she wasn't saying anything.

"So yeah. That's about it," I said.

"Are you fucking stupid," she said.

"What," I asked.

"You two were so close to kissing and you just backed away. Why would you do that?"

"We met yesterday. It's too soon to kiss him."

"Bullshit. I've seen you kiss guys that you just met. What's the real reason why you didn't kiss him?"

I debating on whether or not I should tell her the truth. I probably should tell her though, she's gonna find out anyway.

"For some reason.. when we were about to kiss.. I just immediately thought of Jack and I. I don't know why but I did. I'm thought I was over him."

I almost start crying just thinking about us. Maude just looks at me and sighs.

"Well it's obvious you're not," Maude says.

A tear falls down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away. She pulls me in for hug and we sit there for a second. We finally pull away and I feel better.

"Honey, that's okay that you're not over him. I mean, you were so in love with Jack, I don't expect you to ever really lose those feelings for him. But you can't let him be the reason why you ruin your chances with other guys."

"I know but it's so hard to move on. It's been a whole fucking year and this man still has me messed up. I don't- I don't understand. What's wrong with me?"

"Aww... Lilah! Nothing is wrong with you. Go out with Cody again. You never know what's gonna happen with him. Don't let Jack be the reason you won't date again."

I nod my head and feel my phone buzz. I look down see that I got a text message from Cody. I look up at Maude and laugh.

"Speaking of Cody...," I said showing her my phone.

"Shit! That's scary," she says.

I laugh and nod my head. Her phone starts buzzing too and it looks like someone is calling her.

"Oh my- my mom is calling me. I'm so sorry I have to answer this. Um.. I'll let you talk to Cody and I'll go talk to my mom," she says leaving to her room.


i had a horrible night
1/10 date
ur mean

mhm ok whatever you say
ik you had fun
ur just mad

hmm i wonder why i'm mad😐

i wonder why too.. ??

it would've been a 10/10 night if you let me kiss you..

smh you're still thinking abt that


take me on another date and we'll see what happens

promise you'll kiss me if i do??

yea sure

i have a game tmrw so.. maybe after the game we can do something

yea that sounds good
what time is the game

*attachments: 2 images*
those are two tickets to the game- for you and maude

omg cody that's so sweet! thank you sm

so are you gonna go or..

i'll have to talk to maude abt it but most likely yes

cool just lmk asap


I get off my phone and walk over to Maude's room. I knock on her door and I hear her yell hold on, i'm still talking to my mom.

I just walk back to my room and go on my bed. I go back on my phone and look at Instagram. I tap on my story and look at the picture of Cody. I smile at it.

please let this one go somewhere and not just be another dead end

I was Happier with Him..   -cody bellinger-Where stories live. Discover now