Chapter 39

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Mia opened her eyes and sighed softly when she saw the empty spot next to her. Scooting over to Owen's pillow she sighed happily as she inhaled is Irish Spring scent. She looked down and saw that she was wearing his shirt and smiled softly knowing he changed her before leaving for work so she would be wrapped in his scent as she woke up. They had figured out over time that it helped with her anxiety of him leaving her. Noticing a note on the nightstand she picked it up:

My Darling,

Thank you for the new background on my phone, you know how much I love seeing you wear my shirts in my bed. I hate leaving you for work but I need to help Dr. Green handle this hospital situation while he is working. If you are not ready to get up for the day a few of the guys are still in bed and will be perfectly okay with you laying with them until you are ready. If you need to be little then be little, the guys that are home are not working today and will be perfectly happy caring for you. I will come home to have lunch with you at noon. I miss you and love you. You are my heart and my life, Darling.


Mia got out of bed and left the room. "Oh hey, good morning Doll," Axel said as he came out of his room slipping his shirt over his head. "Ready for some breakfast?" She shook her head and yawned, then began rubbing her eyes. "Want to go back to bed, Doll?" She nodded and he chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "Raven and Corey are still in bed, do you want to go lay with them for a bit?"

"Okay," she mumbled as she yawned again.

Axel led her to the next door by his and knocked, "Wait just a second, Doll," he said stepping in front of her, "Raven put your pants on."

"Why?" Raven's deep sleep filled thick voice asked in the darkness.

"Fine, I'll have Mia go lay with someone else for a bit," Axel smirked as a growl filled the darkness. Mia clutched the back of his shirt and he gripped her sides from behind and started running his thumbs up and down in a soothing manner. "It's okay Mia, Raven was just being silly."

"Here Raven," Corey said sleepily. "Bring her here Axel." Corey sat up and turned on the lamp on the nightstand.

"Come on Doll," Axel said turning to face her, "let's get you back in bed for a bit."

"Thank you," she whispered tiredly yawning again.

"Of course," he smiled as he gently led her over to Corey. "Sweet dreams Doll, I'll come home for lunch."

"Kay," she smiled tiredly as Corey held her hand while she climbed over him to get in the middle of the bed. Axel leaned over and kissed her forehead then left.

Raven pulled the covers back over them as he got back into bed. "What do you watch Kitten?" he asked as he turned the TV on while Corey turned off the lamp.

"Naruto?" she asked tiredly.

"Original or Shippuden?" Corey asked happily.

"Either," she yawned rubbing her eyes.

"Nyet Kitten," Raven said gently as he pulled her hands away from her face. "Get comfy, okay if want cuddles. We love cuddles."

"Big teddy bear," she mumbled as she rolled over and laid her head on Corey's chest and curled up against him then pouted as she held her hand back and gripped the air and released it whimpering.

Raven chuckled and scooted over until he was laying up against her back and wrapped his arm around both her and Corey. She hummed happily as she drifted back to sleep while both Raven and Corey smiled at one another. Raven leaned over and kissed Corey then gently kissed the top of Mia's head before laying back down.

Mia slowly woke up when she felt her pillow moving. She pouted and tightened her grip, making her pillow start laughing. She tensed because it dawned on her that she wasn't holding a pillow and whoever she was holding wasn't Owen.

"Sorry Sweetie, I was just trying to make you more comfortable," Corey whispered as he ran his fingers through her hair. "Go back to sleep, Sweetie."

"Headache," she whispered as she pulled away from him.

"Oh, I'm sorry Sweetie," Corey frowned as he quickly grabbed his phone since it started ringing. "Hello? Oh hey, yeah she actually just woke up and was telling me she has a headache. Yeah, okay, see you soon. Love you." He hung up his phone and sighed softly. "Daddy is bringing home some lunch after he gets you some medicine for your headache from Doc, Sweetie. How about we get you a cup of chocolate milk for now?"

"Okay," her eyes lit up at the suggestion.

"So cute, Kitten," Raven smirked as he gently scooped her up and took her to the bathroom. Once she was done she opened the door and looked up shocked to see Raven sitting on the bed waiting for her. He looked over hearing the door open and smirked, "Ready Kitten?"

"You didn't have to wait on me," she said softly.

"Da, I know," he said standing in front of her. "Want to. Up?"

Her eyes lit up, "Please?" The smile on his face made her smile as he scooped her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Raven carried her out of the room and down the stairs before taking her into the living room. "Here you go, Sweetie," Corey said as he came into the room and handed her a tumbler of chocolate milk. "What do you want to watch while you wait for Daddy Owen?"

"Whatever you want to watch is fine," she said as she started to leave Raven's lap.

"Be still, Kitten," Raven said holding her in his lap.

"Okay," she said looking at the tumbler with a barely there smile on her lips. Raven gently pulled her against his chest and Corey placed a blanket over their laps. Corey turned on Naruto Shippuden but kept the volume somewhat low.

"Hey, why are the blinds drawn?" Kota asked as he came into the house. "It's a beautiful day outside."

"Sweetie has a headache," Corey explained. "Owen is on his way home with some medicine and lunch."

"Got it," Kota nodded as he carefully set his keys down. "Hi Cutie," he said softly kissing her forehead. "What are we watching?"

"You off work?" she asked curiously.

He smiled, "yep. I'm done for the day. Hey, this is one of your and Doc's anime shows isn't it, Corey?"

She smiled and leaned back into Raven's hold. "Yeah, Doc and I love Naruto and so does Sweetie."

Kota smiled as he sat on the loveseat and Max jumped up to lay his head in Mia's lap. "Cool."

"Comfy Darling?" Owen asked as he leaned against the door frame.

"Daddy," She sat up nervously. She locked eyes with Owen as he pushed off the frame then began removing his jacket. He took a bottle of pills out of his pants pocket and grabbed two pills before putting the lid back on. "Here, take this Darling," he said walking over to her and Raven. He held out the pills with a gentle smile on his lips.

She saw no anger or hurt or jealousy in his eyes about her being in Raven's lap. A sigh of relief escaped her lips and he kissed her softly understanding what she was searching his eyes for. "Thank you," she whispered, and he nodded.

She took the pills and watched as Owen leaned over and kissed Raven softly as well before walking over and kissing Corey. "Did our girl manage to get a good amount of sleep with you two?" he asked as he walked over to Kota. He kissed him then said, "The food is in the kitchen if you don't mind making her plate for her."

Kota beamed, "Gladly."

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