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Your younger brother sniffled,
"Nii-chan, it hurts!"

You wiped the sweat off his forehead,
"I know buddy, I'm sorry. But it'll be over before you know it, I promise!"

Tooru was currently in his bed in excruciating pain. The cause? Growing pains.

You remember how bad they could get when you were younger, and your heart clenched whenever Tooru showed signs of pain. The poor boy didn't deserve this!

"I don't want it to hurt anymore!"

You held onto his hand, squeezing it gently,
"Don't worry Tooru, growing pains mean your growing! You're gonna be super tall!"

He turned his head suspiciously,
"E-even taller than you?"

You ruffled his hair with a smile,
"In your dreams!"

The little boy giggled, almost as if the pain had faded away. But of course it didn't, and soon he was back to groaning in pain.

Unfortunately he was too young to give painkillers, and he also didn't exactly like ice packs either, especially since the pain wasn't in just a single area.

"I-I want mom!"

You helped him sit up in his bed,
"She's not here right now bud,"

"Why isn't she?!" The little boy couldn't understand it. He was in so much pain, and his mother wasn't even there to comfort him!

"She's at work,"

He slammed his fists onto the bed, which didn't really make too much noise.
"She's always at stupid work! She's never here!"

"She's at work because she has to be, Tooru. You know she'd be here if she could,"

Tears started pooling in his eyes as he ignored your words,
"How come Iwa-chan's mom is always at home?! It's not fair!"

Having nothing to say to your distressed brother, you hugged him tightly. He was right. It wasn't fair. But there wasn't too much either of you could do about it.

Tooru sobbed into your shirt as he clung onto you, which eventually helped him fall asleep. Ironic, isn't it? (Idk what's ironic here but I wanted to say it).

Tooru dreamed of a happier life, one where your mother wasn't always at work. One where he was taller than you!

Short semi sad chapter also i turned on italics by accident and Im too lazy to turn them off

Volleyball babysitter (little Haikyuu + M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now