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"Hey (f/n), is the babysitting club still accepting members?"

You turned your head to the person talking to you, only to come face yo face with a wall of hair.

"I mean, it was only started yesterday, so yeah. You want to join, Miwa?"

She moved her hair out of the way so she could see your face,
"Yeah. My little brother's one of the kids there, so why not,"

You thought back to the familiar looking child you saw the other day, but decided to wait before acting on your suspicion.

You handed her an application,
"You could come in today if you'd like,"

She walked back to her desk,

You silently celebrated at getting another member, and went through the rest of the class feeling a little bit relieved.

You and your two black-haired friends walked over to the club room, and before you got in, you handed the two of them aprons.

They seemed puzzled as to why you gave them these, so you explained.

"Kids are messy."

That was all the explanation they needed, and they put them on before entering the room.

The room was empty, save for some toys and a small bookshelf, full of children's picture-books.

"...where are the kids?"

You closed the door and leaned against the wall,
"They get picked up from their school before they get here. We've got like, five more minutes until they get here,"

Suddenly, you started walking around the room, and picked up a toy that was on the ground.

"Woah, I always wanted one of these when I was a kid!"

The other two babysitters approached you, wanting to see what you picked up.

"Woah, I haven't seen one of those in ages!"

"I remember getting one for my birthday,"

Each of you had a moment of remembrance, which was quickly shattered by the sound of what seemed like a horde of tiny elephants.

The door was flung open, and you were instantly hugged by you-know-who.

"Nii chan! I'm here!"

You hugged him back and picked him up, holding him close to your chest.

"Hey Tooru! You haven't met Miwa yet, right?"

You got close to the girl, your younger brother still being carried by you. She held out a hand, and he grabbed onto it, shaking it.

"You're really pretty!"

She looked at you,
"Your little brother has some good manners,"

The two of you had a laugh at that, much of the confusion of the future setter. Takeda watched with shock from the background. How come your younger brother was nice to her but not him?

The younger Oikawa kept talking,
"Are you Tobio's big sis?"

She nodded her head, and he beamed at her in response.

"He's my friend!"

She smiled back,
"That's nice to hear! Take care of him, okay?"

He put a hand on his chest and gave her a confident smile,
"I will!"

Volleyball babysitter (little Haikyuu + M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now