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"Oikawa, the end of the month is in a week, have you finished your college planner?"

You handed your teacher the sheet, which you had filled out with your mother while your younger brother was asleep.

"Here it is, sorry for the wait,"

The teacher gave it a quick once over,
"It's alright. I know with your situation, you had a lot to think over,"

They walked away, and you slumped over on your desk.

Were you really going to leave your precious baby brother behind?

'What's he gonna do without me?'

'It's gonna be so empty in the house...'

'Who's gonna help him when he's scared?'

'You shouldn't leave. They need you. You cant abandon them,'

'But it's not abandoning! Mom wants me to go to college!'

'Does she really? Didn't you see the look of sadness on her face?'

'That's because her son is leaving for college! DUH!'

You quickly shook your head
'I need to stop talking with myself...'

But the thoughts still lingered. It's not like the sheet was legally binding. If you wanted to, you could totally skip out on college, and find a job.

But you knew that your mother would never let that happen.

These poisonous thoughts lingered with you all the way home, where your mother greeted you with exciting news.

"We're going on vacation!"

Your younger brother jumped into his mother's arms,
"Really?! Where?!"

She gave him a peck on the forehead before setting him down.

"We have family out in the country we'll be visiting, we're leaving tomorrow!"

Your younger brother gasped in shock,
"The country?! I've never been there before!"

You ruffled his hair, to which he pouted.

"Yeah you have, I think you might've been like, two years old?"

"That doesn't count! I don't remember it!"

"Guess you're right. I'm gonna go pack,"

You tried to get to your room, but your mother blocked your path.

"Uh Uh, I've already packed for you. What you're going to do is talk with me,"

You groaned,
"Seriously mom?"

She dragged you to the couch, Tooru giddily following.

"When's the last time you've talked to me about school? Did you get a girlfriend?"

You scoffed embarrassedly,
"What?! No, mom!"

She gave you a mischievous grin,
"Then a boyfriend?"

You couldn't speak.

But your brother could.

"I think Nii-chan wants to date-"

You covered his mouth.


"Aww, my boy's all grown up, living through his high school romance!"


She laughed, and Tooru laughed as well, although not knowing why.

Volleyball babysitter (little Haikyuu + M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now