Chapter 18

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Glenn told me that he was going to be late getting home tonight, so not to expect him for dinner. That didn’t stop me from making chicken enchiladas, enough to feed a whole damn army. I’m used to cooking for just me. I usually make enough to last at least another lunch and dinner. Somehow when I try to cook for two people with the same thought, I end up making way too much. Oh well, I’m sure it’ll get eaten eventually. Glenn has stated more than once that he rarely has home-cooked meals.

When I was shopping for ingredients for tonight’s dinner, I thought about making a few other meals that could be frozen and easily heated in the oven. Maybe at least a couple of times a week he could have something other than takeout or hospital cafeteria food. I stopped myself from actually going through with that plan though. It seemed way too much like something a woman would do for her husband or boyfriend, not what a “baby mama” would do. God, I hated that phrase.

Who was I to Glenn though? The only real connection we had was through Callum. I didn’t want to just be the mother of his son. That seemed too casual. Not that we were anything but casual. I shouldn’t be overthinking this as much as I am, but this is what happens when my only source of entertainment is a baby who can only babble back to me. 

All night that kiss threatened my sleep. I couldn’t even call it a kiss. It was a full make-out session that was borderline inappropriate the way I was grinding on his lap like a desperate woman. Who am I kidding? I am desperate. The last time I had any pleasure that wasn’t self-induced was that night with Glenn. It isn’t exactly a beacon for men when you’re big and pregnant and I was too busy being a new mom to a son that wouldn’t stop crying once he was born. When my doctor gave me the go-ahead to resume sexual activities after my six-week postpartum visit I actually laughed in her face.

He’s the one that initiated the kiss, though. Sure, I didn’t put up a fight, but Glenn wanted to kiss me. It was impossible to notice that he was hard as a rock beneath me. It was the main reason I was probably seconds away from getting off grinding away on his lap. It certainly wasn’t his lap giving me pleasure, but his hard cock that I knew was more than capable of pleasuring me. I’ll never forget how talented that man was in the bedroom. The only thing that prevented me from moving forward with night two was Callum’s sweet cry breaking us up.

I jumped to my feet so damn fast. He once again had me caught up in his trance. There was just something about Glenn that made me lose my mind. It didn’t matter that just a couple of weeks ago I was ready to run him over with my car (just kidding, Sheriff’s department) one small touch and I was a goner. The only saving grace for my pride was that he seemed to want it just as much as I did.

Thankfully, by the time Callum woke up for his morning bottle, Glenn was already long gone for work. I didn’t have to face him. Today, we went to the park near his house for a nice long walk. I even put down a blanket on the ground and we had a little tummy time outside in the sun. After lunch was when we hit up the grocery store. I made dinner tonight and then finished up Callum’s final bottle of the night before putting him down to sleep.

I put on some relaxing music and got to work cleaning up from dinner and putting the leftovers away. He could heat something up easily enough in the microwave or just eat somewhere else. I had to remind myself again that it wasn’t my responsibility to make sure Glenn got fed. I was such a mess. I was in my head so much that I didn’t even hear the sound of his car pulling up or the garage door opening. I froze midway through packing up the leftovers when he walks through the door and directly into the kitchen.

“Hey, Emory.” There was an edge to his voice that I couldn’t read. 

“Hi,” I turned around to face him but busied my hands with the lid to the container I was just filling. “You’re home earlier than I thought you would be.”

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