Chapter 7

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“Hey, Jessica,” I happened to catch my nurse before she clocked out for the day, “I just checked the waiting room and didn’t see Emory…I mean, Ms. Bishop. Do you know where she went or if Callum Bishop is back from the scans?”

“Dr. Barnes,” she gives me a knowing look, “Let’s not pretend that we aren’t both aware that Callum Bishop is your son.”

“I know, Jessica, it’s just…fuck…I don’t need the whole hospital knowing my business, you know?”

“We also both know that isn’t going to happen. You know I’ll always have your back and keep your privacy, but there is already a bunch of chatter amongst the nurses. It isn’t every day that the competent doctor hands off a case to a doctor who isn’t even specialized in that department.”

“Do I even want to know?” I exhale and run my hands through my hair.

“I don’t think it’s that bad if you ask me. I’ve had more than one come up and ask me if it is true that your son was in here.” I cringe, but she shakes me off, “I’m going to repeat it, I don’t gossip about you and I tell them to mind their own business. Between the talk you and Dr. Carranza had in the office and just narrowing down the options, it is the one that makes the most sense.”

“In my opinion,” she continues, “that is better than the other one I heard which was you and Dr. Carranza are having an affair and you’re trying to help her get into GI so you can be together more.”

“That’s outrageous,” I exclaim. “Tina and I are just friends.”

“I’ve never doubted it, but the other doctors in this hospital aren’t as decent as you. You know those rumors have been going on for years now.”

“Yeah, I know. And every time they start floating again, I get pissed off because I don’t appreciate people assuming I’d cross any lines with my best friend.”

Jessica puts up her hands, “You don’t need to preach to me, Doc. I’ll always have your back. To answer your question,” she changes subjects back, “Lynn just clocked in when Callum got back from his tests. Dr. Carranza asked Lynn to make sure they got a room so they could be a bit more comfortable and have some privacy. I’m not sure what room they’re in, but Lynn would know.”

“Thanks, Jessica. And does Lynn know anything?”

She shakes her head, “I just told her that this was a complicated case and you and Dr. Carranza would fill her in as needed.”

“You’re the best. You’re in tomorrow, right?”

“Bright and early. Get some rest, Dr. Barnes,” she pats my shoulder as she walks by.

“You too, Jess.”

Rumors run wild in hospitals, so I knew it was only a matter of time before they started talking about me. Jessica is right, everybody should know the truth. I didn’t do anything wrong. I had a one-night stand with a woman I didn’t really know, what’s the big deal? Half of the people working here have probably done the same thing. Hell, a ton of nurses, doctors, and every position in between have hooked up with each other. We hardly have more than a couple of months go by before HR sends out another email reminding the hospital staff that although fraternizing isn’t against the rules, it is frowned upon.

And sure, Callum may be a patient now and Emory is his mother, but that wasn’t until today. If she would have come on any other day, another GI doctor could have been assigned their case. Hell, if I didn’t have to cancel my appointments for the day they would have been another doctor’s case. I have no reason to be ashamed that Callum is my kid. They can chatter all they want, I’m more concerned about my son.

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