Chapter 23

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“Is there anything else I can do for you, Emory?” Shay had just brought me a large coffee fresh from the doctor’s lounge and a pillow to help me feel more comfortable.

“No, you’ve really done so much already, truly going above and beyond. I’m sorry again for calling you so early.”

“Don’t apologize,” she rested her hand on my forearm, “I would have done the exact same thing if I was in your position. I meant it when I told Elizabeth to give you my number in case you needed it. The way that Callum’s case has been handled through our medical group bothers me as a friend and as a professional.”

Shay, also known as Dr. Shay Holmes, and I shared a mutual friend. Elizabeth worked as a physical therapist here, Shay brought her on a little over a year ago when she needed a new start to her life. Since Elizabeth was dating Dalton, one of the guys in my social circle, we became friends as well. Elizabeth was also a single mother until she met Dalton, so she helped me through a lot of things since Callum was born. As much as I loved my sister-in-law, she didn’t know what it was like to be without a partner during pregnancy and the newborn stage. Elizabeth understood me better.

Shay’s job is the medical director of just the hospital, but it is part of one large medical group including almost all of the doctor’s offices in Strawberry and the next town over, Franklin. She didn’t oversee anything that happened at those individual offices, like Callum’s undiagnosed condition, but she still felt a sense of responsibility. 

“Glenn was being so pushy. I was honestly concerned that they might kick us out of the hospital.”

“Nonsense, Emory. It sounds like Glenn was being a passionate father, fighting for his son’s medical care. Helping him get that care was a pleasure. Plus, Elizabeth would disown me if I didn’t step in. She’s got a soft spot for the two of you.”

“She holds a pretty darn special place in my heart too.”

“I hope she isn’t the only one.” The response coming from the door took me by surprise. Glenn smirked when I looked up at him. I jumped to my feet and crashed into his body. His arms encompassed my entire body, and he even lifted me slightly off my feet. I was so happy that he was here. I needed this hug from him…and even more.

“You’re here!” I held his face in my hands for a moment before he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on the corner of my lips.

“I told you I was on my way, Butterfly. You can always depend on me.” Glenn looked over to the hospital bed where Callum was sleeping. He had a couple of sensors attached to him to track his heart rate and then an IV catheter in his right arm. It was fully wrapped up to prevent him from pulling it out. “He’s pale.” He used the back of his hand to feel Callum’s forehead, “And still running a fever.”

“Dr. Barnes?” Shay stood up and lifted her hand for a small wave, “My name is Dr. Holmes, Shay Holmes. I’m the medical director of the hospital.”

“You can call me, Glenn. I’m glad to see that you’re here, Dr. Holmes.”

“Well, you can call me Shay since we’re more acquaintances than colleagues right now.” The two share a handshake. “I want to let you know that Callum’s care is my number one priority until we figure out what is wrong and can discharge him. I’ve moved him to our pediatrics unit for his comfort, although we don’t have the same type of specialists here that you are accustomed to.”

“I’m well aware the smaller hospitals may not have access to the same things that I’m used to. I guess I should also apologize, I’m sure Dr. Graves was just following policies, I just think it’s important to know when policies don’t work.”

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