Chapter 12

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My bags are packed and the address to Strawberry Inn is typed into my car’s GPS. Before I hit the road, I take a small detour to Tina and Julio’s place. I need my best friends to make sure my head is set straight before I see Emory again. It’s been two weeks since Callum was discharged and they left the hospital. It’s a weird feeling to miss two people that weren’t an important part of my life just a few weeks prior. Sure, Emory had crossed my mind more than once in the year that we spent apart, but now I was seeing her differently.

I tried to hide my emotions the day Callum was discharged, but I came off as more of an asshole than anything. How can we do this? They don’t write books about this, there is no manual on how to forge a relationship with a baby who lives hours away from me. With the line of work, I’m in, it isn’t unusual to work ten or more days in a row. Emergencies happen with my patients and I want to be there for them, even if I amn’t scheduled to work that day. Even if they traveled here for a visit, would I even get to see Callum after my sixteen-hour day?

“Did you get lost already?” Tina stood on her front porch looking all full of attitude like she normally does. I swear she secretly enjoyed this new mess that I was going through.

“I was hoping for some moral support before I hit the road, but now I’m realizing that isn’t going to come from you.”

“Oh, Glenn, you’re so sensitive.” I lean in and kiss her on the cheek when I get to the top step and then follow her inside. “Julio, your boyfriend needs a hug before he sees his baby mama again.”

“I hate you,” I grumble.

Julio appears in the living room, “I don’t know why she’s always trying to pawn me off on you. Thought she loved me, ya know?”

“I’m not sure she loves anybody, to be honest,” I shrug and give my friend a good handshake. “I know I’m being a whiney bitch, but just tell me this is going to be okay, Julio. Blow smoke up my ass if you need to.”

Julio chuckles, “I don’t know what to tell you, Glenn, but there aren’t many other options, you know?”

“Yeah,” I stubbornly agree.

“Did the two of you ever talk about this before she left? There’s a lot of legal shit that needs to be taken care of now.”

“We didn’t do any of that. Arranging this visit was the furthest we got down that path. It’s one of the things I was hoping we could talk about this weekend. She’s been doing this all on her own, I’ve got to step up the best way I can, you know?”

“I’m saying this as a friend, Glenn. You need to find yourself a lawyer.”

“Nah,” I shake my head, “It isn’t like that, we don’t need to get lawyers involved.”

“Don’t think about it in a negative way, man. I know you’ve heard of parents getting screwed because they tried to do things without the lawyers involved. I don’t know Emory, so I’m not saying she’s vindictive or anything, but you need to protect yourself. You’re also protecting Callum by going through a lawyer and the courts. Just think about it, okay?”

“I guess you’re probably not wrong, but how the hell do I bring that up without starting a fight?”

“Hell if I know,” he shrugs. “I guess just good luck?”

“Gee, thanks,” I deadpan. “I better hit the road so I don’t get in too late. Thanks for the talk, even though you didn’t really make me feel better.”

Julio chuckles and pats my back, “Hey, what are friends for? Drive safe, my man. We’ll see you when you get back.”

I track down Tina so I can say goodbye to her as well and then get in the car and start my trek to Strawberry. The sun has set by the time I hit the city limits, but my GPS leads me right to the hotel where I’m staying. Emory’s sister-in-law works here and it is owned by another one of her good friends. There is no way I can remain anonymous while I’m here, I can only hope that I make a good impression. 

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