Chapter 13

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A walk in the park is just what I needed. I didn’t know what to expect with Glenn coming to visit, but just ten minutes alone with him in the living room was suffocating. I hated the awkwardness, it shouldn’t be like this. We clicked right away that night we spent together. If I didn’t know any better, I would swear he could read my mind. We were so in tune with each other’s wants and needs. Silly of me to think that would carry over to whatever this is.

I guess we’re co-parenting. How else would you describe it? The entire thing is weird. Glenn is still giving me this weird hot-and-cold attitude. I never know which one is going to be on the phone and it can change from minute to minute. I’m just doing my best to manage the changes in his moods. Who knew my college degree in business would help to deal with grown-ass men? 

“Is it always this quiet?” Glenn asked as we made our way around the library.

“Depending on the day. Right now all the kids are in school so it is quieter than normal.”

“And the town? I swear I’ve seen like ten cars today.”

I look around and smile, Glenn just reminds me of all the reasons I could never leave this place. “As long as miss rush hour.”

Glenn snorts, “Rush hour? Are there twenty cars instead of ten?”

“For your information,” I laugh, “One time I had to wait through two lights on Main Street to get to the post office.”

“Two lights?” Glenn clutches his imaginary pearls, “How did you make it through?”

“It was rough if I’m being honest. It made my five-minute commute seven minutes. I was almost late picking up my Reuben from the diner.”

“I saw that diner yesterday, is it any good?”

My eyes roll back, “The best! I could eat there for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”

“Let’s go then.”

“Hmm?” I look over at him. Glenn insisted on pushing Callum’s stroller when we got here. He was taking it out of the back of my car and attempting to open it while I got Callum’s car seat from the backseat. Let’s just say he lost the battle. It was no fault of his own, it took me weeks of practice to figure out how to open that thing. The whole exchange was cute and it was heartwarming that he stepped right up and took control of the stroller during our walk.

“You said the diner was that great, so why don’t we head over there for lunch once we make this lap?”

“Oh, this might sound silly, but I’ve kind of been avoiding taking him to busy places. You know, germs and all.”

Glenn reaches over and touches my forearm, “That’s not silly at all, Emory. Geez, I’m the doctor and it didn’t even cross my mind.”

I shrug my shoulders, “Probably because I’ve had him every day. I’m sure you’d think of these things too if you were around him more.” Glenn drops his hand and I can see him visibly stiffen. “Shit, I didn’t mean it to come off like that.”

“It’s fine, Emory,” his tone was cold again, this time it was my fault. “I’d certainly spend more time with him if I could.”

“I know you would.” After I put my stupid foot in my stupid mouth, Glenn went back to his silent ways. 

Without talking much more, we finished our walk and then drove back to my place. Since it was close to lunchtime, I put in an order for pizza. While we waited for the pizza to arrive, I put together Callum’s bottle while Glenn holds him in the living room. “Did you want me to feed him?” I ask Glenn as I walk back into the room.

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