Give Up

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becky pov
i entered the office and i dropped my bag. I saw nita and freen kissing,or should i say making out in the office. tears starts forming in my eyes as i couldn't believe what i've just seen. i saw freen eyes wide open looking at me. It seems like she wants to pull away and explain to me,but my heart couldn't handle this pain so i just took my bag and left the office. i went out and hail a taxi.
"becky!" i heard freen shouting for me at the back but i ignored and enter the cab.

freen pov
i immediately pushed nita away after seeing becky leaving the office.
"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?? OMG NITA YOURE CRAZY!!" i shouted at nita and left to chase for becky.
"Freen!" she shout for me but i just ignore and went out to chase becky.
when i leave the office,i saw becky's figure and immediately chased for her.
"becky!" i shouted at her but all i see is her entering a taxi and leave.
i then go back to my office and take my car keys.
"where are you going freen? i think we need to talk about something." nita frowned at me.
i've literally no mood to entertain her right now so i ignored her again.
i'm about to leave when she shouted "whats wrong with you freen?? ever since i came back things changed so much! am i wrong for kissing you?? that's literally what we always do in the past!!"
i turned back at her looking irritated, and coldly told her
"things changed nita,its not the same anymore!stop living in the past gosh!"

nita pov
"things changed nita,its not the same anymore!stop living in the past gosh!" she looked at me with her irritated eyes.
my heart starts to shatter in pieces.
'you really broke your promise freen' i thought to myself.

nita pov
"babe will you ever fall out of love? i mean you know you're a CEO and im just a CEO's daughter that know nothing" i pouted at freen,showing my sadness.
She patted my head and gently rub my cheeks.
"i will never fall out of love babe,even if the entire world separate us,i will fight my way back to you. i will always love you, i promise."she gently kissed my forehead,then my nose and then my lips.
whatever she said here was so genuine,i can feel it,the way she kisses my lips make me feel so secured in our relationship. she really make me feel loved.

nita pov
"wow.." i looked at her in disbelief.
"n-nita, can we just talk about this later? i will meet you at your office,j-just go back first alright?" she left after she ended our conversation,leaving me in her office alone.
its actually worse to see that the love of your life had fallen out of love with you instead of them just cutting you out of their live.
'freen why can't you just tell me you don't love me anymore,i just need to hear it from you.' my eyes started tearing. instead of going back to the office,i called my dad.
"yes darling whats the matter?" my dad answered the phone.
i was about to bring up about freen's issue when he say
"oh ya me and your mum decided to bring forward you and freen's wedding to next month."
"next month??? dad isn't that too soon???" i was about to cancel off the wedding but now my parent brought it forward.
"you guys have been together for almost two years in the past and yall were almost engaged so whats the matter??" i can sense my dad's annoyance since i know he really want me to get married and start a family.
"is there no other way possible so that i can save her company?is marriage really necessary dad?" i tried hinting my dad about me trying to cancel off the wedding.
"nita,you know me very well. if you really not prepared to marry,i wont fund freen. Nita you know funding freen is taking alot of risk,i definitely need something back in return. And also its a win-win situation,you and freen can get married while we fund freen." dad replied unknowingly about me and freen's current relationship problems.
"just talk to freen about it darling,im sure she will understand you."
"dad i-" my dad cut me off by ending the call.
i sigh and looked at the calendar.
freen really need to know this...

author note:
i made a nita pov chapter so yall wont hate on her😁😁 just joking but its to better understand her motives thats why👍anyways thanks for reading please vote ty!

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