Chapter 12- Sleepover and date

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A sleepover. That is what the teen's movie night had turned out to be. After being praised by Tom and Sabine for their fantastic decorating skills, the teens ran to Marinette's bedroom to watch a Christmas movie, but Marinette never expected Adrien's confession.


"What do you want to watch?" Marinette asked, jumping on her bed.

"Pick anything but The Christmas Carol because my parents always save that one for tomorrow, the 23rd," she added with a smile.

Adrien smiled at her enthusiasm but then frowned when the realization hit him. The blonde didn't know anything about Christmas movies. He and his mother watched a Christmas carol also, but that was so long ago he didn't even remember what it was like. After that, his father banded Christmas and all that came with it.

"I- sorry, I haven't seen any of them," he confessed. "How about you pick your favorite."

Marinette bit her lip lost in thought. She didn't want to respond with an 'I'm sorry' because she noticed Adrien hated people pitying him. Therefore, Marinette thought of a way she could put on a movie without making him feel judged.

"How tired are you?" She questioned with a smirk that Adrien was quick to return. "Not tired at all, princess."

"Great!" She jumped up with a clap. "Then get ready for a Christmas movie marathon!"

Adrien laughed, thankful for her actions instead of pity. Oh, he was in deep. Adrien knew this girl would be the death of him. He was head over heels in love with the bluenette, yet she had no idea.

Marinette was being true to her promise. She was making this Christmas the best one yet, but the way she did everything to make him happy was the greatest Christmas gift of all.

"What are we going to start with?" He asked.



Sabine walked into her daughter's room feeling worried. It was fifteen minutes past ten, and the teens had not woken up. She knocked on their doors several times, but there was no response. So as a mother, she decided to walk into Marinette's room to check on her.

She smiled when she saw the cutest scene ever. "Sabine, Adrien is not in his-"

"Shh," she interrupted, pointing towards the bed. Before them was a sleeping Adrien, holding Marinette tightly with the television still on. The teens had apparently fallen asleep during the Christmas bounty. How they ended up in each other's arms was a mystery to everyone.

Sabine smiled. Maybe this was the year her daughter finally got her wish. If only she could see herself at this precise moment. With that, the couple left the room, allowing them to sleep a little longer.

Adrien woke up to an unusual yet comforting warmth on his arms and weight on his chest. Opening his eyes, he searched for the source causing these feelings. Adrien's heart pounded as he saw the sleeping bluenette wrapped around his arms. They must have fallen asleep during the movie.

Adrien remembered making the yawning move at the beginning of the new movie as he attempted to get closer to his crush. He had been crazy nervous and afraid to be rejected, but surprisingly Marinette smiled, leaning into him, causing him to wrap his arm around her shoulder instead of the chaise and hold her.

He then remembered her tiredly asking him to move to the bed to be more comfortable, and he obliged. After that, the night was a blur, but looking back, Adrien would not complain. Last night was the best night of his life.

The blonde yawned, removing his right arm from around the bluenette hesitantly. Adrien did not want to get up. The last thing he wanted was to stop holding his princess in his arms as the model didn't know if he would ever get a chance to do it again, but Adrien also knew that her parents could walk into her room any minute now and he would be in so much trouble.

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