ǝuᴉN-ʎʇuǝʍꓕ ɹǝʇdɐɥϽ

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The next morning, Steve, Robin and Dustin were shopping for some food and drinks for Eddie while Y/N and Max waited inside the car.

Y/N felt conflicted about the situation he currently found himself in. He was helping the man that witnessed the murder of Chrissy while he couldn't tell his friend and Chrissy's little sister Emma about it.

The four teens he was with told him that this was the right thing to do, but Y/N had his doubts about it.

"What do you think about this?" Max asked as she turned her head from the window towards Y/N, who didn't look back at her. "About what?"

"About the Upside Down being back." Max clarified. "Don't you think that, maybe, it's something else?"

"Like what, Max?" Y/N asked as he looked at her. "Like a curse?"

"No, Y/N, stop bringing that up." Max shook her head.

"Why should I?" Y/N asked as he turned his body towards the ginger. "That was the reason you broke up with me. Remember, 'the curse that is your life'?"

"I... I'm sorry for saying that." the ginger-haired girl looked down at her feet. "I guess I had just been building up so much anger in myself. And when I was drunk, I guess I took it out on you." she explained. "But I didn't mean it. And ever since that day, I've regretted what I said. But I knew you wouldn't want to talk to me anymore. So I just hid myself from you. And when I... spent time with Lucas, I was trying to get you out of my head. But I couldn't. I couldn't just forget about you. And seeing you with Emma... I guess I got jealous." Max finished as she looked back up at Y/N. "I'm sorry."

"You still hurt me that night."

"I know. And I'm sorry-- I'm so sorry." Max shook her head. "I know you can't forgive me. But I would like if we could talk with each other again."

Y/N looked at Max. He tried to see any sign that she was lying or she needed to say it. But he couldn't find any.

"I would like that too." Y/N softly smiled. He looked into Max's eyes as she looked back into his. Y/N looked down at Max's lips before quickly looking back up into her eyes. "Maybe we could be friends again."

"Maybe." Max smiled as she put her hand on Y/N's. The ginger moved a bit closer to the boy beside her as the door opened, making the two teens pull their hands back.

"Hey, you're both still alive." Steve smiled as he sat down in the driver's seat. "We got everything for Eddie."

"Let's go." Dustin said as he sat in between Y/N and Max as Robin sat in the passenger's seat.


Dustin loudly opened the door as Eddie looked like he just had experienced a heart attack. "Jesus."

"Delivery service." Dustin smiled as he held up the two bags.

Eddie quickly took them and sat down on the floor, eating the contents of the bags.

"So we got, uh, some good news and some bad news." Dustin said as Eddie looked up from his food at him. "How do you prefer it?"

"Bad news first, always." Eddie responded.

"All right. Bad news." Dustin spoke. "We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro, and they're definitely looking for you. Also, they're, uh, pretty convinced you killed Chrissy."

"Like, 100% kind of convinced." Max spoke up.

"And the good news?" Eddie requested.

"Your name hasn't gone public yet." Robin informed. "But if we found out about you, it's a matter of time before others do. And once that gets out, everyone and their shallow-minded mother is gonna be gunning for you."

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