uǝǝʇǝuᴉN ɹǝʇdɐɥϽ

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The party was now behind a car spying on Billy, who was back to being a lifeguard.

"I don't know

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"I don't know. He looks pretty normal to me." Max spoke as she watched her brother with binoculars.

"Normal?" Lucas asked. "How many times have you seen him with a shirt on?"

"I mean, it's a little weird." Max agreed as Mike turned to look at her. "More than a little. He was in a tub with ice. The Mind Flayer likes it cold. Plus everything else--"

"But he's lounging at the pool, which is, like, the least Mind Flayer thing ever."

"Not necessarily." Will disagreed as everyone turned to look at him. "The Mind Flayer likes to hide. He only used me when he needed me. It's like... like you're dormant. And then, when he needs you, you're activated." he explained.

"Okay, so we just wait until he gets activated."

"No." Mike shook his head at Max's suggestion. "What if he hurts someone?"

"Or kills someone." Will adds.

"We can't take that chance. We need to find out if he's the host." Mike said as he started walking away from the group.

"Where are you going?" El asked as Mike answered her. "I have an idea. Boys only. Except for you, Y/N."

"Seriously?" Max asked as Y/N looked at Mike with a mix of surprise and confusion.

"Just trust me on this one." Mike said as he took Will and Lucas away.

"Does he have something against us that we are hanging out with Eleven?" Marc asked as Y/N whispered a 'yeah' as a reply.


"Mike, are you there?" Max asked into the walkie-talkie as Y/N stood beside her, keeping an eye on Billy.

"Yeah!" Mike answered, clearly annoyed about something.

"Where are you guys?"

"I'm coming. Just hold on a second." Mike told her as the line went silent.

"Has he moved yet?" Max asked her boyfriend, who shook his head. "Nope."

"God, I hope it's not you." Max let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "I really hope it's not you."

"Everyone's leaving." Y/N informed. "It won't take long now."

Right on cue, when everyone left the pool, Billy stood up and walked towards the man's room. "He's walking." Y/N said as he and Max ran towards the group.

Inside, Billy was taking a cold shower when he heard a few doors opening and closing. "Pool's closed. Hey! Do you hear me?" Billy spoke as he walked through the halls until he walked into a door that wouldn't open. "Pool is closed!"

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