OS - 1.6

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M - Why the hell did you come back Akshara?  And why don't you answer Manish Bhaisahab? 

Akshara is a little taken aback by the booming voice, she feels Abhir steering in his sleep and she quickly regains her composure. She turns to face a fuming Manjari who was walking toward her with quick long steps.

Everyone looked puzzled by her appearance as no one was expecting her at this time of the day, that to unannounced. 

NAV - Sorry Akshara, I was trying to call Bhai ji but somehow mistakenly dialed Aunty's number. I told her to let me talk with Bhai ji and that you might visit Udaipur for the same, but before I could clarify she cut the call.

What a conniving person, Akshara wanted to slap him so hard, but she controlled as now was not the time. She just simply nodded and turned to go upstairs once again.

M - Where are you running off to now? Answer my questions, Why are you back to ruin my son's life even though I told you to leave him alone? You just can't bear his happiness na.

Akshara signals Muskan to take Abhir upstairs and after confirming that Abhir is out of sight, she turns to face Manjari, her eyes cold, devoid of any emotion which makes Manjari a little scared as this is the first time Akshara looked into her eyes unabashedly and gave off such a cold aura.

But before she could speak Abhinav intervenes, like always.

NAV - Aunty ji, I understand your insecurity. You know, no winter lasts forever and no spring skips its turn. You should move on, Akshara is my wife and we are here to consult Dr. Abhimanyu Birla, not Bhai ji.

Akshara just wanted to face-palm her forehead, how did she think that he was standing up for her? He just uses his words to create even more confusion. Always talks in circles and still has the audacity to say that he never understood what bhai ji says, when he himself does the same.

M - How? How can I move on, how can I forget what she did, how she killed my one son and left my other son to die a hundred deaths? She is the root cause of my family's unhappiness.

NAV - But........

AK - Mr. Abhinav, you don't need to defend me. I can very well handle things myself. And you, Ms. Manjari, I can come here whenever I want. This is my house, not yours and Udaipur is not your sole property that I have to ask for your permission, every time I decide to visit my home.

Akshara spoke with authority, making everyone tongue-tied. She further continued.

AK - And I am not responsible for your family's unhappiness, but you sure are. From the start, you were solely responsible. The first is being in a relationship without love which resulted in continuous fights and Abhi having a traumatized childhood. Now, you don't let anyone forget that Niel is no more and play with Abhimanyu's emotional weakness to manipulate him as you wish. You say that you love Abhi the most, but have you ever once kept him as your priority? First, you would put sir before him, then a dead Neil whom you made sure did not receive any love from his own father and be treated as an orphan in his own house, and now Arohi and Ruhi. Where is Abhi, where is his happiness?

Akshara's outburst left everyone gaping. Though Manjari still was adamant about her delusion.

M - You killed my Neil, you are responsible and Abhi is very happy. He loves Ruhi and he will become happier after marrying Arohi. She was supposed to be his wife from the start, you came in between them and ruined their life.

AK - Ha, and I thought of you as a mother. Thank you Miss Manjari to make me realize that no one can take the place of my mother. My mother will always be Naira Ma. Coming back to your accusations, it's so easy to blame someone na, but did you even try to actually locate the perpetrators who were responsible for what happened with Neil? No, you just wanted a scapegoat to vent your frustration and Akshara is the easiest target, an emotional fool, everyone's punching bag. You say that I came in between them, if you wanna play dirty then let me make it clear that You and Arohi were the ones who always came in between us. Not once did we have a peaceful day with you two being the root cause of every mishappening in our lives.

BP - Akshara, how can you talk like that, she is grieving her son's death. It's been hard on everyone and especially her.

AK - Oh please bade Papa, She is not grieving. She is trying to kill the alive ones. I can only fathom how Abhi has lived these past 6 years with such toxicity in his life. After becoming a mother myself, I could finally see how selfish this woman was, she never even considered me as her daughter-in-law much less her daughter. Leave me aside, she never even considered Abhi's feelings, always expecting him to adjust. This is not how a mother should behave, she has utterly failed her job.

BM - Akshara just shut the hell up, that is not how I raised you to be.

AK - Because you never did raise me Badi mumma. Did everyone in the Goenka house forget that I raised myself up? You all left me like an orphan to fend for myself just to satiate your Arohi's bullshit demands when you all clearly knew what family meant to me. Whenever I needed my family's support you all left me fending for myself. You made me so insecure and fearful that I would think thousand times before doing something for myself, thinking that you will not like it, and if that coincided with Arohi's wishes, I was asked to give up. 

Akshara quickly wiped the few tears which threatened to fall and turned to face each and every goenka member.

AK - Why, why did you do this to me? Was Arohi the only one who had lost her parents? Did me and Kairav bhai lose nothing? You always said that I should understand as I am the bigger sister, but I was just 1 and a half years older than her and still considered a child, who needed her family, who needed to be consoled as well, not be blamed as the murderer of her own parents.

MIMI - But beta, you were the mature one and you yourself put Aru before yourself especially after Sirat died.

AK - Because I was just trying to honor her dying wish. She took a promise from me for her daughter while dying. She too put her daughter before me, like everyone else. No one was on my side ever and the one person who was actually mine, I had hurt him for honoring that wish. Being Mature does not mean that one should not show any emotions at all. Anyway, there is no use in telling you people all this as even today, Bade Papa proved where his priorities lie and I seriously don't give a damm. 

Akshara walks to the stairs and turns to look at her so-called family, and speaks with finality.

AK - I am not here to break relations, I am just here for my son. If anything or anyone tries anything funny with him, I will make everyone's life a living hell. Ms. Manjari, you will actually witness how I really destroy, so don't mess with me and get the hell out of my house this instant.

AB - Papa.....

Akshara had just turned to climb up the stairs but stopped in her tracks when she sees Abhir running down the stairs. Akshara tried to warn him to run slow, but he sprinted like a flash. 

Everyone was looking at the little munchkin as he ran down the stairs. Abhinav opened his arms to hug him, but Abhir completely ignored him and ran past him toward the door. Everyone was confused and turned to look toward the door just to get shocked to see the new arrival.


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