OS - 1.2

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Manjari again forced Abhimanyu to do something which he didn't want at all but was put in a difficult spot when Manjari manipulated Ruhi once again as her last option to convince Abhimanyu for a family holiday with just the 3 people to a resort and get engaged to be married after returning.

After days of convincing, Abhimanyu finally gives in reluctantly to his miserable fate as he was afraid to break any more promises. He was now trying his best to make up for the most important promise he broke, the vows he took with his lifeline. He had resigned himself to fate and was convinced that she has moved on and is happy in life. He could still pretend to live if she was alive, breathing, and happy, somewhere in this world.

It was a 3-day trip. The resort did not allow any communication with the outer world and it didn't sit well with him. For a few days, he had this feeling, an inkling about something going terribly wrong. 

After reaching, he couldn't do anything but give them the phone, though he had secretly kept a keypad phone for emergencies. His way to reach out if something bad does happen. 

The other reason being, he was just looking for an out as he could not stay in the same vicinity as Ruhi's mother for this long. Even though everyone had forgotten about her deeds in the past, he could not. He could forgive but not forget. Yet she had not once asked for forgiveness and just moved on after blaming Akshara for every misfortune. Cleaning her slate clean and leaving Akshara with scars, for life.


It's been 2 days, and Akshara was continuously trying to reach Abhimanyu, but his call was not reachable. It made Akshara's painful memories resurface, when she had called countless times to tell him about Abhir.

She was doing the same thing again. Again she had called him endlessly for her Abhir, with no answer in return. But this time she will not give up, even if he says he has nothing to do with her or the children, she will still pester him until he listens, listens loud and clear.

On the other hand, the constant failure to contact Abhimanyu, just made Abhinav feel a little giddy inside and he left no chance to taunt him and suggest Akshara do otherwise. This was not gone unnoticed, but still believing the good person who had saved her son's life once, she didn't argue, more like didn't bother with useless things.


A sleepless night, again. Sighing Akshara opened her eyes and stared into the dark space. Since Abhir was diagnosed, she had not slept a wink. She would wake every five minutes to check he was breathing normally, was not in any pain, and was not having a fever or any other problem. She had become paranoid and would succumb to her worst of imaginations. Her long list of traumas had a new entry now.

She was staring aimlessly when she heard some murmurs, she turned to see that Abhinav was not in the room. Even though she had cut off ties with Abhinav, she could not suddenly change her ways in front of Abhir, he was a little baby and that to sick who needed his mumma, Abhinav pa and most importantly his papa, docman. She will tell him everything after he gets all better, and apologize profusely, to him and his dad, Abhimanyu and make up for their lost time. But at the same time not disrupt his relationship with Ruhi and Arohi as she had accepted the fact that he has moved on.

The murmuring was getting a little frantic and Akshara got restless. She got up to see what the problem was and unconsciously tip-toed her way to the door. She saw Abhinav talking on the call, whisper shouting at someone. She was about to go and check on him but stopped in her tracks as she listened to his rambling. 

Akshara quickly laid in bed and pretended to sleep as she saw him cut the call and slowly make his way back to bed. She repeated his conversation like a tape recorder in her mind, trying to grasp each and every word.

The truth bombs and the dark, painful revelations felt like someone had dumped her in the glaciers of Antarctica. She could not believe her ears, this had to be some kind of sick joke. How can Kanha ji let this happen, How could she let this happen, how was she so dumb? In what state of mind was she in, when she believed a stranger over her family? Though they weren't any better than a stranger, as they always had treated her so, in her most crucial, painful times. When she needed them the most they always ignored her silent pleas for help and never supported her, told her to be the bigger person.

Look, where did she land up being the bigger, better person? She should have fought, fought hard for her love, her life, and everything she had lost.  

She could not stay here any longer. She needs to take her son away from this filthy, facade of a man. After hearing his even breathing and soft snores she carefully got up and packed her bags. She was going back to Udaipur this instant and will talk to Abhimanyu face-to-face. He needed to know everything.

It was pitch black, only the moon's shine lit the surroundings. Everyone was fast asleep. Akshara put her luggage in the car and picked up a sleeping Abhir, carefully and gently. She securely put him in the car and ran back to the room.

She picked up Abhinav's phone from the side table and searched his call records. She had set his phone such that every call would be directly recorded and saved. She had done so after Abhinav had been scammed out of money multiple times, she did it for proof if ever a need came. She never thought that it will come in handy this way.

She encrypted and saved it such that no one will blame the evidence for being tampered with. Thanks to Abhinav being a heavy sleeper, she was able to smoothly take the evidence and left no further trace for him to become alert. Something she learned while studying law. 

She placed the phone back and left. She sat in the driver's seat, glanced back, and confirmed that Abhir was protectively tucked in. Then she drove away, to correct all her wrongs.


Hello lovely readers 💙

What do you think is going to happen now? Akshara has learned something drastic. How will this change everyone's life? stay tuned for more. 

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Do check out my new Abhira ff - OUR SECRET RENDEZVOUS. 

It's also my first try at writing fanfiction. Please give it a try as well, I am sure it will quench your Abhira/Harshali heart.💕🌻

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